Thanks for pointing me in this direction. I actually did an initial forum search on NOCONSOLE and did not find it.
First I tried this solution and it did not work for me.
>>> Modify the fxListener class of the _ReportListener class library and change the code in the LoadReport method...
Hi, I would like to upgrade my VFP reports with some of the features available with Set Reportbehavior 90 in VFP9 SP2.
If I call a report using the standard REPORT FORM myreport.frx TO PRINTER NOCONSOLE with Set Reportbehavior 90 I get "TALK" back to the calling form. Eventually, it overruns...
In one of my apps I would like to allow users to drag and create shortcuts to customers similar to how icons appear on the windows desktop.
I am using command buttons with the icon pic for "Customer" in my application and the caption of the customer code.
Clicking on one of these goes...
Thanks for 2 good suggestions and this works nicely.
Can you explain the need for the READ EVENTS ?
I'm wondering about that since the CLICK() code performs a CLEAR EVENTS yet the button still keeps on working.
I am using VFP 9.
Given the sample code above, how could I use BINDEVENT so that for example a WAIT WINDOW "Hello" appears when the Command Button is clicked ?
I know that I can place an object such as a Command Button on the VFP desktop. For example,
_screen.AddObject("mycmd", "Commandbutton")
_screen.mycmd.width = 75
_screen.mycmd.height = 50
_screen.mycmd.caption = "Click Me"
_screen.mycmd.visible = .t.
How can I add my own code to the Click()...
>>> Needs tweaking to get to your goal <<<
You're right about that however, the copy & paste method may come in handy.
For example, a problem that I am encountering is that template 2 has a header but template 1 does not. Using template 2 as the basis document causes the header to appear on...
Thanks for the reply. How would I select the entire page based on the first .dot programmaticaly ?
By the way, what I'm trying to do here is provide an option to any existing letter for a fax cover page.
I have a Word automation program which creates a document using a .dot template and bookmark fields from within a program. This works Ok.
Would like to use a second .dot template which would serve as a cover sheet and to merge the two documents into a single .doc
How can I accomplish this...
>>> Have it "Reset value based on" Group: ID <<<
I don't understand... if the variable resets only every time the group ID changes then this does not tell me if the group has rolled over to the next page.
For example, if I have a group called "Filters" and in the Group Header it says...
How can I print the word "Continued" after the text in my Group Header reprints on a second page ?
I can add an IIF condition after the original text itself but how do I tell that a page break has occurred ?
I am using VFP 9
>>> any controls under the one you want to stretch <<<
It is the last control on the report at the very bottom in the Summary section. It is marked to float but it absolutely does not stretch.
>>> OK, I'm a little confused <<<
So am I!
I spent several hours trying to figure this one but can't. It is a field control in the Summary portion of my report.
The datasource for the control is a memory variable such as m.myremarks which contains a single paragraph of text.
Stretch is...
I am trying to print the contents of a variable m.myremarks into the Summary portion of a VFP9 report.
'Stretch with Overflow' is checked and Object Position is 'Float' yet the printed text gets cut off and does not Stretch past the size of the field box. Increasing the size of the field and...
I have a VFP9 application that runs on a terminal server. Users log in to the Terminal Server session and then log in again to the application.
The problem is that sometimes users just shut down their TS session thereby depriving the application of a required auditing logout record.
I would...
>>> Because you never make a call to Dummy <<<
Wow! it's that simple.
Actually I feel like the dummy because I tried creating a PUBLIC array as an earlier solution but ran into an error 'Illegal Redefinition of Variable". I was defining the array as public in my report screen...
I have a report which uses an array as one of it's sources. The report works fine but the Project Manager keep giving me an error which is nothing if not annoying.
The error is "reportname.frx has the following errors: Unknown A_REPT - Undefined"
I have tried placing "EXTERNAL ARRAY...
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