I am trying to run a crystal report from the information my data grid filters (as opposed to the complete information in the database). However, if I pull from the Jet 4.0, I get all the information in my database on the report. If I use my own data set, I get a database login form that I can't...
I am using VB.NET, and the Crystal Reports Expert. I was told I could connect to the project data folder (as opposed to the OLE DB), in order to report the data in the data grid, but that only gives me a login screen where I have to put in a user ID, password, server name and database. I says...
I am trying to get Crystal reports to pull from my data grid, instead of directly from my database. When I connect with my Project Data, I get a login screen during runtime that I can't get past to see if it's pulling the correct data. When I use my OLE DB {ADO}, it pulls all the data from the...
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