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Search results for query: *

  1. joezapp

    Getting the HTML in an IFRAME

    var vOHTML = $iframename.document.location.outerHTML; try this... or you can append them yourself (dependant on how static the info is... var vHTML = &quot;<HTML><HEAD>head stuff here</HEAD>&quot; + $iframename.document.location.innerHTML + &quot;</HTML>&quot;; it all depends on what you're...
  2. joezapp

    Getting the HTML in an IFRAME

    Not exactly sure what you're after but something like this should be possible in javascript: var vHTML = $iframename.document.location.innerHTML; This will pull all the inner html into a variable for you to post in a form (ie4+). However its not always as simple as that - netscape will...
  3. joezapp

    Running Script when HTML pages loads

    you could try putting this into your html at the bottom of the page: <!--#exec cgi=&quot;/cgi-bin/scriptname.cgi&quot; --> works on our intranet (all IE so I have no idea about compatibility with other browsers)... Joe
  4. joezapp

    add option to popup parent window element

    sorted (if anyone is interested): should have been: var oEle = opener.document.createElement('option'); rather than: var oEle = document.createElement('option'); simple ! Joe.
  5. joezapp

    add option to popup parent window element

    apologies if this has been asked before, search is still down so.. this is what I'm after: user clicks on a link. opens a popup window containing text field and button. user enters text and submits. This text is added to a select object on the parent window. Popup closes. I'm trying to use...
  6. joezapp

    How to load logo before rest of site displays

    Something like this in the header &quot;should&quot; work, I'm not sure why it wouldn't (it works for me, is your image huge?)... var myimages=new Array(); function preloadimages(){ for (i=0;i<preloadimages.arguments.length;i++) { myimages[i]= new Image()...
  7. joezapp

    Combining form FILE and TEXT input

    glad to be of some help (its not often I can!) and ta for the star :-) I've been stuck in the past and this sites helped me no end so I'm just &quot;passing it on&quot;, as it were... Joe.
  8. joezapp

    Combining form FILE and TEXT input

    Right. Have got the following to work (apologies for the huge post again). Its a cut down version of what you gave me mashed into the script I posted above. Shouldn't be too much work to get it looking as it should. hope it makes sense Joe. here we go :-) : #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI...
  9. joezapp

    Combining form FILE and TEXT input

    unfortunately I'm working on an intranet so no public access available I'm afraid. It is used on a daily basis though. Checklist/ thoughts. (sorry if these are obvious) 1. ENCTYPE set correctly. 2. The params are named correctly consistently between form and script. 3. The inputs are not...
  10. joezapp

    Link to PDF Files

    might be a bit of a nobrainer but have you tried putting in the full, absolute file path to the file with leading forward slash etc: A href=&quot;/http_server_root/briefs/euromes31eng.pdf&quot; I've tried your html using one of my own files and it seems to work okay. Joe.
  11. joezapp

    Combining form FILE and TEXT input

    I'm guessing you're trying to create an upload file form and perl script. rather than trying to find where you're going wrong I'll post what works for me. I haven't tested what I've posted it but it should be pretty self explanatory. any problems / further questions let me know cheers and...
  12. joezapp

    Link to PDF Files

    can you post your html ?
  13. joezapp

    popup menu that does not stay on top of jump menu object

    How are the menus created ? There is a problem with drop down select boxes and trying to dynamically place / create DIVs etc over them. These components are 'windowed' and as such will stay at the 'front' of any page. These links may help...
  14. joezapp

    Enable certain boxes

    fair enough and thanks for the confirmation. just me being lazy and copying and pasting. you learn someting new every day and all that :-) Joe.
  15. joezapp

    Enable certain boxes

    the following gets ALL the selects from the form. scrolls through and sets disabled according to the checkbox: <HTML> <HEAD> <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> function testCheck() { var aSelects,vLength; aSelects=document.Relationship.getElementsByTagName(&quot;SELECT&quot;)...
  16. joezapp

    Enable certain boxes

    I think you just beat me to it. glad to help. Joe.
  17. joezapp

    Enable certain boxes

    the answer is in the code I've just posted, you need the opposite state... Joe.
  18. joezapp

    Enable certain boxes

    try this lot :-) <HTML> <HEAD> <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> function testCheck() { if (document.Relationship.WholeRel.checked==true) { document.Relationship.testselect.disabled=true; } else { document.Relationship.testselect.disabled=false; } } </script>...
  19. joezapp

    Two netscape questions...

    netscape: window.innerWidth window.innerHeight (I think) IE uses document.body.scrollWidth or document.body.offsetWidth and document.body.scrollHeight or document.body.offsetHeight (can't remember which off the top of my head). Bear in mind that these will not include the scrollbars so you'll...
  20. joezapp

    Enable certain boxes

    in the code you posted your caps are inconsistent. Javascript needs the elements to be referenced exactly how they are named, its case sensitive. So you might need to check that the checkbox input is WholeRel and not wholerel... The following works fine for example: <HTML> <HEAD> <script...

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