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Search results for query: *

  1. lezhik

    Java Servlets/MySQL hosting

    Does anyone know good hosting which supports Java Servlets and MySQL?
  2. lezhik

    How to change the value of the address bar?

    How to change the value of the address bar, but not to change the page?
  3. lezhik

    Perl & Cookies & Internet Explorer

    As i investigate it is not a script problem, but problem is between Apache and IE, that is the result of telnet on 80 port: Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 08:46:08 GMT Server: Apache/2.0.50 (Unix) mod_jk2/2.0.4-dev...
  4. lezhik

    Perl & Cookies & Internet Explorer

    It was the first thing that I have checked, IE accepts cookies from other sites, no secure restrictions for this site. Of cause it posssible, to pass session id via URL, but I want to implement normal solution with cookies.
  5. lezhik

    Perl & Cookies & Internet Explorer

    Couldn't get cookies back from IE. tried to send them in two ways: 1) print "Set-cookie: CFISESSID=$sid; path=/pepsite\n"; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; 2) $cgi=new CGI; $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $sid, {Directory => '/tmp'}); $cookie = $cgi->cookie(-name => 'CGISESSID', -value =>...
  6. lezhik

    Network scan

    Is it possible to scan network for IP and PC names with using VBScript(not VBA)?
  7. lezhik

    Network scan

    Is it possible to scan network for IP and PC names with using JavaScript?
  8. lezhik


    I need to configurate tomcat in a this thay: requests: http://localhost/test http://localhost/test?somthing should be handled by servlet but request like: http://localhost/images/image.gif shouldn't be handled by servlet. Could somebody write url-pattern for this?
  9. lezhik

    Problem with filter

    Maybe class could be generated by it's name? I have code which using class Class do it. If it so maybe filter class name should be passed to function. But I don't know : is this solution is really good?
  10. lezhik

    Problem with filter

    >>>But in your first post, you said you needed to use the FilterOutputStream ???!!! It's better to do it with using FilterOutputStream, but the using of FilterOutputStream isn't necessary. >>>Filter what ? One of class metods writes some data to OutputStream (the stream is a class member)...
  11. lezhik

    Problem with filter

    I need to pass filter method to print in some way, is it possible? Using of FilterOutputStream isn't necessary.
  12. lezhik

    Problem with filter

    I want to write some class which must print some info. It contains an OutputStream to print this info, but I'd like to pass FilterOutputStream as a parameter to print method. How can I realize something like this?
  13. lezhik

    BSF & vbscript

    Thanks, now it works, maybe you know some useful links about BSF?
  14. lezhik

    zip & split to volumes

    Could you post some code example with splitting archive to volumes?
  15. lezhik

    zip & split to volumes

    Is it so difficult to post some example or link to it? Of cause I read documentation, but I didn't find anything about split to volumes and I'm not shour that this problem could be solved with using this libs!
  16. lezhik

    zip & split to volumes

    I tried to use those classes but I didn't found any solution of my problem :(
  17. lezhik

    BSF & vbscript

    Maybe someone use BSF library from IBM for integration Java with VBscirpt. When I try to use it exception is thrown : UnsatisfiedLinkError loading library:bsfactivescriptengine no bsfactivescripteng ine in java.library.path: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no bsfactivescriptengi ne in...
  18. lezhik

    zip & split to volumes

    How split archive to volumes in Java? P.S.: Instead of zip may be used other commnly used archive type (rar, arj or somthing else)
  19. lezhik

    IIS + Generating script

    I am using IIS + Resin + Java (system is Win 2000 server), and I want to configure IIS to execute vbscipts which is generating by Java, how could I do it?
  20. lezhik

    Can't create a coket

    I try to create a socket (scirpt is run on UNIX): #!/usr/bin/perl use Socket; print &quot;Content-Type: text/html\n\n&quot;; print &quot;<html>&quot;; print &quot;<title>Cyrus</title>&quot;; print &quot;<head>&quot;; print &quot;</head>&quot;; print &quot;<body>&quot;; $server =...

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