I have to configure the properties os the printer.
word don't have de possibility to print directly in full duplex, only it is possible in the printer properties.
I have a document in word with 4 pages, and i want to make a VB code that print them automatically in full duplex mode.
Sorry for the english.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
I have a document with 4 pages, and i want to print them in full duplex mode.
I have the follow code:
dim wordobj
set wordobj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wordobj.Visible = True
wordobj.Documents.Open document_name.doc
and now i want to print them.
Sorry for the english...
I want in VbScript do run a Macro that is saved in a document:
I have this program:
set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = True
oWord.Documents.Open "Document1.doc"
oword.Run "Document1.doc!Macro1"
The last row didn't work
Somebody can help me
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