I got this to work.
1) Make "Supplier Category" element prompt that lists all elements no restrictions
2) Make "Supplier Name enter like" filter
3) combine 1 & 2 in filter named "Inner Prompt"
4) Create elements prompt that uses attribute Supplier Name that uses "Inner Prompt" filter to...
I have a need to present to an end user in the web 3 prompts:
Prompt 1: Supplier Category
Prompt 2: Supplier name search(text value prompt - like % statement) wich only looks at suppliers from the supplier category chosen in prompt 1.
Prompt 3: Shopping cart that allows you to...
My preference is to use a time table supplied by the RDBMS if it's available. Teradata example: RDBMS ships with sys_calendar. I usually query to or join to that.
select week_of_month, week_of_year from sys_calendar.CALENDAR where calendar_date = '2004-08-30'
I have had no luck with this using MSTR options (VLDB, etc.) I opted for DB solution in the views for all date fields that may have nulls (below):
Coalesce(CAST(ScheduledCompletionDate AS VARCHAR(10)), '?'),
Coalesce(CAST(ActualCompletionDate AS VARCHAR(10)), '?'),
I have tried that. Still didn't work. Full outer join (outer join on all metrics in report data options) does generate a coalesce but it retrieves too many rows due to the outer joing (should be 49...retrieves 60)
MSTR 7.2.2
I have a report with a date attribute and four metrics. One of the metrics is dimensional metric that generated multipass SQL (really more like subqueries). When the passes are joined on the datefield, we lose records. Typically, in SQL, we do a coalesce. MSTR only does a coalese...
Most DB have a day of week or similar date functiosn. In the case of Teradata, you can join to the calendar view in the sys_calendar database:
sel * from sys_calendar.calendar where calendar_date='2004-05-15';
Will give you day of week (7):
calendar_date day_of_week day_of_month...
Since we're using Teradata, there is an easier way. Just join to the calendar table:
sel * from sys_calendar.calendar where calendar_date='2004-05-15';
Will give you day of week (7):
calendar_date day_of_week day_of_month day_of_year day_of_calendar weekday_of_month week_of_month...
We're getting bad performance when attempting to only display user initials on a report (using a view). Any ideas on a better way of getting user initials?
SQL (FYI: if it was a null in the source, we put a '!' in the warehouse):
SELECT (CASE WHEN T9.ContactFirstName <> '!'...
Hello. I have been using a wonderful tool called wingrep to do advanced searches (and replace). It's available at wingrep.com You can use regular expressions to perform your search. A wonderful tool!
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