Touch Tone Tommy,
Once again you're right on!
My biggest problem was that I had a two conductor cord connecting the MOH adapter. But your tips about the MOH not heard on internal calls and the volume adjustment on the MOH adapter were also key to solving the problem.
Thanks again!
Hi Guys!
I having trouble adding MOH via the approved adapter. I have 15 lines in use on 408 gs/ls-mlx Trunk boards in slots 1 thru 4 (lines are defined as 815, 814, 813 etc.. I've got an additional 400 gs/ls/ttr card in slot 5 with nothing on it except the MOH adapter (MOH Out) pluged into the...
Thanks to Touch Tone Tommy, I did find the problem was in Selector Codes. I was using Sel Code 1 and as soon as a low numbered Ext was dialed (12, 13, 15, 16 etc. it was immediately routed to the Operator. I changed the Sel Code for Day & Night menu and I'm "Good to Go"
Touch Tone Tommy,
That was it, and I didn't even know that it was affecting my other low numbered exts.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!
Do Extensions have to be added to a coverage group or something similar for Merlin Legend? I'm still struggling to find an answer why calls answered by the AA transfer ok for all but two exts. Everyone is in the same COS and using only one selector code. (Sel. Code 1 - Transfers to the...
Checked Selector Code 1 and it's set to transfer to EXT. 10
I deleted and re-added the 2 mailboxes (Ext. 15 & 17) to cos 3 and they still go directly to the Group Mailbox when I dial the ext # from the AA.
I CAN reach the Ext when dialing *8-XX from the auto attendant. I can also manually transfer a call to the extensions, and have it cover to voice mail, and using "direct to voice mail" and the extension number works OK. I'll check the setting of selector code 1 and make sure it is...
All the ext's are in COS 30. MerMail Rel. 2
When dialing the problem extensions I immediately get into VM being prompted to approve a message (although I didn't leave one) OR I go to the Main mailbox. Cool Huh?
I appreciate the help :->
I'm stumped! I've got a Merlin Legend R3 using Auto Attendent w/ MerMail. For two particular extensions, I can't transfer directly to the extension once I reach the Auto Attend. When I put in the ext # and pound it goes immed. to the coverage operator. I can transfer internally ext to ext w/o...
When calling Ext to Ext I get ringing on Ext 53 but Merlin Voice Mail doesn't pick up the call. All other exts seem to work. Same settings as all the other exts as far as I can tell. Any ideas?
Remote is an interesting option but unfortunately there's no dial tone there yet. I can get it mounted and I'll be pulling wire for stations next week. I'll get the wiring roughed in but they'll probably need to be terminated w/ modular plugs or on blocks. I'd generally feel more comfortable...
Central Jersey , East Coast, Red Bank, Shrewsbury area.
Around Exit 109 in the GS Parkway. Need to install & program by the 1st Week of Dec. (Moving on Dec 5th)
Looking for support to program a Merlin Legend.
Absolutely great info in these forums...
I don't want to seem like a wimp re: programming a Merlin legend, but I'm actively seeking someone in the NJ area to set up a Legend sys (r7 v12) for a new office I'm moving into during the 1st week of...
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