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Search results for query: *

  1. Arowana

    Ldap.h HEelllppPPP!!!

    Why do you need ldap.h for? Does it have something to do with GSM signaling??! Geting smarter dude!!
  2. Arowana

    String type as argument in function.

    yo, the use of strcnp is a exelent idea. Thanks
  3. Arowana

    String type as argument in function.

    thanks a lot.........by the way..of course i am using a MFC project. i´ll give you the feed back nice weekend to you
  4. Arowana

    String type as argument in function.

    What does it mean the operator & at looking(CString& name)???
  5. Arowana

    String type as argument in function.

    name1 is type CString (receive the input from a edit box control)
  6. Arowana

    String type as argument in function.

    The problems are: 1º- the operator == is not accepted to compare CString types 2º- The system do not recognize a argument CString type at the function looking(CString name)
  7. Arowana

    String type as argument in function.

    Hi, I want to create a function witch receives a string as a argument and the compares is with another string to see if there are equal (like searching a name in a database) so i have: int looking(CString name) { if (name==outro.name1) return 1; else return 0; } Note: outro is just a...
  8. Arowana

    static data member

    Yes they do. When you create a derived class, she inherits all member functions and member variables from the base class. In this case you can declare as public the pointer do the CPtrList class. hope i could help you!!
  9. Arowana

    Declared list and struct not recognize in function.

    I got the problem! I declared a struct and a list in a CListDoc class. And now i want to use them in a function witch is a member function from another class witch is not derived from CListDoc.So when i have: void declaredclass::function() { //if i create a object from CListClass to the use...
  10. Arowana

    Declared list and struct not recognize in function.

    Hi, in a program i declared a list and a struct as public in a CDocument. ..... public: CPtrlist lista; struct Socio { char nome; }; At a function in another document when i use : ..... Socio* pSocio=(Socio*)lista.GetHeadPosition(); lista is not recognize and the struct Socio neather. What...
  11. Arowana

    Visual C++ in Windows NT (error)

    Hint:Analyze the function that you are using and verify in the help if there is any exeption for windows NT. Remember that NT works in some diferen ways and it´s very normal when does situations happen. It will be helpful to see the line error where the fault happens.
  12. Arowana

    How to create app that doesn't show screen output

    I believe that it will be only possible using a non window software like turbo c++ or borland c++ 3.1b that program in 16 bits. The problem is....and what about MFC.....well....we can never score all the time ...if you catch my drift.
  13. Arowana

    MessageBox error (hard one)

    Hi, In my code i have: ... if(flag==1) MessageBox(NULL,"Message1","Message2",MB_OK); else MessageBox(NULL,"Message3,"Message4,MB_OK); ... but when i compile i get the error C2660 MessageBOx to not accept 4 arguments. in other parts of the code i have the same...
  14. Arowana

    Arguments in function

    Hi, I know this is a easy question but no one knows everythyng. In my program i add a c++ file where i create a function. In that function i want to pass two diferents arguments but one at a time in diferents ocasions. ex. CProcura dlg;//modal dialog box class if(flag==1) int...
  15. Arowana

    Arguments in function

    Hi, I know this is a easy question but no one knows everythyng. In my program i add a c++ file where i create a function. In that function i want to pass two diferents arguments but one at a time in diferents ocasions. ex. CProcura dlg;//modal dialog box class if(flag==1) int...
  16. Arowana

    Data from a struct into a table in a dialog window

    Hi! Using MFC witch is the class that i must use to put data from a struct into a table or grid existent in a dialog box when this one is opened. Note:I think that there must be a class witch have member functions to manipulate the rows,columns,size etc...but i don´t know witch one. Thank you
  17. Arowana

    Data from a struct into a table in a dialog box.

    Hi! Using MFC witch is the class that i must use to put data from a struct into a table or grid existent in a dialog box when this one is opened. Note:I think that there must be a class witch have member functions to manipulate the rows,columns,size etc...but i don´t know witch one. Thank you
  18. Arowana

    visible edit box control

    I know that it´s a simple question but i am new at that and there is no way to find a member function of a class that can handle it. How can i put a edit box control (any kind of control) invisible or visible?? Thank you
  19. Arowana

    Closing Dialog Boxes

    I believe you must be aware how parents and children windows work with eatch other.

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