I was able to get it working using Date::Calc once I worked out the format that the localtime gives you. This is what I ended up with.
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find::Rule;
use Date::Calc qw(Delta_Days);
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
my $path="D:/FSA/Recordings/";
I've been working on this and completely changed it so that now I have this,
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find::Rule;
my $path="D:/FSA/Recordings/";
my @folders = File::Find::Rule->directory->in( $path );
foreach my $i (@folders){
if ($i =~ /[0-9]{4}/)
print "$i\n"...
Hi all,
I need to create a script to delete some folders every month. I have a Folder that has sub folders named by company (These can change) and then under each of those are further sub folders called by MMYY values. Every month I want to run a script to delete folders older than 3 months...
Hi all,
I've just been given a requirement to automate some folder deletion on a windows box. I'm more of a Unix person so my windows scripting skills are a little weak so I thought i'd ask here.
I'll have a folder that will have a set of subfolders which I need to read the names of, under...
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