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Search results for query: *

  1. AEtherson

    Multiple Foreign Keys

    I'm a newbie to SQL Server. I'm trying to create a database where multiple fields in a table can point to one field in a second table. I create a foreign key from Field1 in Table1 to Field1 in Table2. I then try to create a Foreign Key from Field2 in Table1 to Field1 in Table2. It won't let me...
  2. AEtherson

    ADO and SQL syntax

    What is the error message? just guess work without it
  3. AEtherson

    ADODB Connection - Reconnect

    True true. A better way still would be close the connection if it is doing nothing for 5 mins
  4. AEtherson

    ADODB Connection - Reconnect

    if Conn.state <> adstateopen then set conn = nothing reopen connection end if hope it helps
  5. AEtherson

    2 GB Limit

    thanks alot
  6. AEtherson

    2 GB Limit

    Hi All, Just a quick question. I have a data file that is over 2GB and I need a file size reading. below is my current code Meth1 unsigned long GetFileLength ( FILE * fileName) { unsigned long pos = ftell(fileName); unsigned long len = 0; fseek ( fileName, 0L, SEEK_END...
  7. AEtherson

    Net Send and VBA

    Option Explicit Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 Const ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234 Const SV_TYPE_SERVER = &H2 Const SIZE_SI_101 = 24 Private Type SERVER_INFO_101 dwPlatformId As Long lpszServerName As Long dwVersionMajor As Long dwVersionMinor As Long dwType As Long lpszComment As Long End Type...
  8. AEtherson

    Try this one

    sorry Used same as johnwm
  9. AEtherson

    Try this one

    i get 424 KB (434,176 bytes)
  10. AEtherson

    VB6 app returns C++ error R6025 pure virtual function call

    try downgrading mdac to 2.5 and making sure u do not have a circular refrence IE you make a change then the bound control does a change and so on Failing that you will have to post your code so we can look at it for you
  11. AEtherson

    VB6 app returns C++ error R6025 pure virtual function call

    what circumstances does it crash??
  12. AEtherson

    VB6 app returns C++ error R6025 pure virtual function call

    try upgrading mdac also check your refs and mack sure that one does not say missing
  13. AEtherson

    VB6 app returns C++ error R6025 pure virtual function call

    you have a provblem with a refrence to a c dll. A virtual function is a pointer to function in a class
  14. AEtherson

    Access db/ Common Dialog/ errors in code

    upgrade to dao 3.6 Try using service packing vb as there was a problem with the prev version.
  15. AEtherson

    Ado Using Seek with Multiple Keys

    just user pure SQL to do the look up, It will be much faster
  16. AEtherson

    connect to Access 97 & vb 6 application, it can be server (win2000)

    Access: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\db1.mdb;Persist Security Info=False SQL: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=*****;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=YourID;Initial Catalog=YourDBName;Data Source=YourServer
  17. AEtherson

    Mouse wheel support for the flex grid

    http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/Controls/S_Grid/bugTrak11-5.asp and here http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/Libraries/Subclassing/Adding_Scroll_Bars_To_Forms__PictureBoxes_and_UserControls/article.asp hope this helps
  18. AEtherson

    How do i do this

    If i am understand your question you want to seek to a position in a data file and get some data ?? dim iFile as Integer Dim RetStr as string open "Filename" for binary as ifile seek iFile,YourPos RetStr = space(3) 'Set the size of the string to 3 bytes get iFile,,RetStr close ifile...
  19. AEtherson

    Search Form for record

    How do you want it displayed. In a grid or a simple textbox like HarleyQuinn has posted just note that if you have a space in your field name then you will need to do the following RS("Your Field Name") and not RS!YourFieldName
  20. AEtherson

    can't save multi-line textbox

    It is not a problem with your code. It is with the Database

Part and Inventory Search
