Just had a chat with the guy who sits next to [a fully accredited Sun harware engineer] and, apart from the obvious, he can't think of anything that might catch you out.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
Are you sure the file exists? A standard Return Code = 2 usually means "No such file or directory".
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
The ^M is a control character which you should be able to remove from the file by running it through dos2unix.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
zeki1, if you check this out :-
it confirms that the E450 will take 36GB but not 72GB disks
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
Just to say I've found the download site and, I'm assured, a license is being arranged.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
Can anyone confirm that to run a FlashBackup all we need is the extra license and that the software is already installed.
Also, where can I download the NB_ADC_51_6_M patch from? as the Symantec site doesn't provide a lot of clues.
Thank you in advance.
Even a bad day at the races is...
We have the same problem here with our last remaining 2.6 server. The only way to get the tape drive back once this happens is to power cycle the server. As to why it happens? Sun haven't ever given us a satisfactory answer.
Not a lot of help but at least your not alone.
Even a bad day...
You might try :-
Hope this helps
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
According to the hardware spec :-
the largest internal disks you can have are the 73G disks you already have
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
When you log onto a Solaris sysem as root user it will respond with a line about the last login and then one with [e.g.]:-
"Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000"
does this mean that the base release of Solaris installed was 5.8 02/00 [Feb 2000].
If not, is there any way...
If you log into Sunsolve and download the documentation for the latest rcommended patch it will tell you what the latest version is.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
We are running Netbackup version 5.1 on Solaris 10. Up until now we have been running on a temporary license. I have just input all the permanent keys but they are being shown as "not active". Can anyone tell me how to activate them.
Thank you.
Even a bad day at the races is better...
You can run "devfsadm -c tape" to assign newly attached taped drives. Look in /dev/rmt to see what you have available.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
What does RM6 say about it?, assuming you have it installed?. Failing that have you run "healthck -a" to get an idea of any problems.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
We've run 3.2 with clients on Solaris 10. Once you have installed the client software, which updates the inetd.conf file, you have to run the inetconv command to convert the inetd.conf updates.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
Whatever you do make sure you update the firmware using the RM6 GUI. If you use the CLI to do it and it goes wrong you will blow the controller and need to get a replacement, I know, I speak from experience.
Even a bad day at the races is better than a good day at the office.
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