When I Use this
objComm.Properties("Output Stream").Value = objStream
in my ASP to retrieve a XML returned Stream from SQL Server
I get following error
Error Code: ADODB.Command (0x800A0CC1)
Error Description: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested...
YES, all Can be done.
First Try to Store all info into the Database.
Second, whenever someone logins as ADmin, give them option of editing the old forms, by passing some ID.
Third, Use ASP's File command to export and Save it in Excel file.
Hope it helps !
Thanks Chiph & Apperciated.
I have looked in TopXML site, it is very good, but i am not able to find an answer for my question. Do you have any specific name for the Tutorial i can search for.
Or any other tips,
I have experience in interfacing Credit Card Server. But First time, i am facing to interface a Credit Card Server using XML. They have sent DTD and a big document of all .....you know
So I am not sure where to Start and what direction i should take . Can anyone give me an Overview on this task.
Credit Card Interfacing Using XML
I have experience in interfacing Credit Card Server. But First time, i am facing to interface a Credit Card Server using XML. They have sent DTD and a big document of all .....you know :-)
So I am not sure where to Start and what direction i should take . Can...
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