Try this code in a new project!!!!
The withevents keyword is used in this code, since it is necessary to be able to trap any events the user generates from these controls.
Add a CommandButton to a form and call it Command1, then paste this code to the form and try running it. When the command...
Sorry Hiccup for my misunderstanding
you just have to right click on the dtagrid itself / properties and select the layout tabs. there you will be able to set alignment of every column you want and all other formatting
hope it'll be helpful
Hi ,think thaht this should help you
select the datagrid and in the properties window set the dat source of the datagrid to the data Rnvironment and the data member to the command object you have created within the data Environment.
you can also use the Data Environment to connect to the database,then create command object within the data environment to manipulate data from your application
hope its helpful!!!
Dim rsFind as ADODB.Recordset
Dim sSql as string 'your Query String
sSql = "Select * From tbl....."
Set rsFind = New ADODB.Recordset
rsFind.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsFind.Open sSql, adoConnect, adOpenKeyset,adLockOptimistic
'Use these codes but the sole problem is that...
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