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Search results for query: *

  1. Prog76

    Read-Only Word docs

    I have documents that need to be read-only, but that have headers and footers that is pulling info from an access database application. How can I get these docs to have write capable headers and footers, but not the rest of the doc? Please Help.
  2. Prog76

    Refresh form data from button on Subform 1 for Subform 2 and 3

    Try the onclick event of the button.
  3. Prog76

    Sum in Form Footer

    Actually in this case it doesn't because I am calculating a value for each record in that control depending on other controls for that record. Can someone please let me know if they have ever tried to do this?
  4. Prog76

    Refresh form data from button on Subform 1 for Subform 2 and 3

    Have you tried Me.Requery or SubForm3.Requery where SubForm3 is the name of that subform?
  5. Prog76

    Sum in Form Footer

    I am trying to sum an unbound control in a continuous form in the form footer and I keep getting #Error. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Prog76

    Field Validation in Form_Close()

    Thank you so much!
  7. Prog76

    Field Validation in Form_Close()

    Does that mean no data validation in the Close event????
  8. Prog76

    Field Validation in Form_Close()

    I tried that and I got an error when I compiled: "Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name
  9. Prog76

    Field Validation in Form_Close()

    I am checking for required fields in the OnClose function and if there is a field missing I want the Close function to stop. It just keeps closing on me. This is what I have: If Me!txtReqNum <> "" Then If IsNull(Me!optionReason) Then MsgBox ("Please enter a reason for the status...
  10. Prog76

    ERROR when trying to add a new record to SQL

    This is how the code looks now: DIM objConn Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; DataSource =; Initial Catalog=ContactInfo; user id = sa; password = eleven" objConn.Open I am still getting the error. I appreciate...
  11. Prog76

    ERROR when trying to add a new record to SQL

    Now I am getting Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005) Invalid connection string attribute ???????????
  12. Prog76

    ERROR when trying to add a new record to SQL

    thank you so much; I can't believe that was my silly mistake. But now that I have the connection open, I am getting this error: Error Type: ADODB.Connection (0x800A0E7A) Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed. /connection.asp, line 12 In my code Provider = SQLOLEDB
  13. Prog76

    ERROR when trying to add a new record to SQL

    I set up the connection and opened the recordset, but when I ran it this is what I got: Error Type: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E7D) The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context. /resultspage.asp, line 12 Here is my code; what am I doing...
  14. Prog76

    Using IRR in a MSAcess Form

    Thank you both. I was finally able to figure this one out. I could not run the IRR function behind the code of the form while using control values from the form, for some reason, so I had to create a function within a module and then call it from the form. Odd isn't it. I guess this all...
  15. Prog76

    Using IRR in a MSAcess Form

    I need to use the IRR function in a form with fields on the form as the values in the array. Could someone send me an example of how they did this? Is it possible to use the function simply as the control of the control source for the text field?
  16. Prog76

    Calculate a payment using exponents

    I need to calculate a payment using exponents. Does anyone know a function in Access that will do this???
  17. Prog76

    Microsoft Help customized to be your own

    I am trying to customize Microsoft Help to run through my website and customize it. I found it on Microsoft's site, but the instructions are confusing. Has anyone done this and could they give me a step by step on how to start?
  18. Prog76

    Links and targets with no frames

    PERFECT. I appreciate all of your help. Thanks.
  19. Prog76

    Links and targets with no frames

    Dan, I have another question. Can we default to a url within the iframe before we click on anything else? Alesia
  20. Prog76

    Links and targets with no frames

    Thank you so much BillyRayPreachersSon! This works perfect. Prog76

Part and Inventory Search
