Hi there :D
I've been wondering if indeed my tapes *have* been chewing in my SC50 from ebay. I recall reading a post about tape "despooling", and have just spent an hour trying to find more info on it! :}
Looking under the tape cover I noticed a 3mm thick black strip running through...
Hi Greg
Thank you for replying to my post (both of them - sorry about that..)
I've been quoted £400 (approx) by one company, and £800-£2500 by another to simply extract the data from one full and working ADR50 tape as written by the SC50 and Echo 1Safe 3.6. Is this the best deal I can hope...
Hi there :)
Does anyone know if it's possible to read 50Gb tapes originally written using the SC50 drive and Echo 1Safe (3.6.24) with software compression, by now using ADR50 drive with the same software?
I ask as my original SC50 drive no longer recognises that is has a tape in it, the...
Hi there :)
Does anyone know if it's possible to read 50Gb tapes originally written using the SC50 drive and Echo 1Safe (3.7) with software compression, by now using ADR50 drive with the same software?
I ask as my original SC50 drive no longer recognises that is has a tape in it, the...
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