thank you for your views guys(rick and chrissie1) & belive me i know exacly what you guys saying.this problem arise to me cos i'm new to .net and i want to find out how the old things are don in the new way.
i will try out your code "wearytraveller" and do remember this is and not just...
is there a way like in vb6(recordset.movenext) to move through in so a person can manually go through rows(both forword and backword)and display them on a form.
i hope you can understand this...
Logging for J2EE Server Version: 1.3.1-b17 started at: Sat Apr 23 21:17:20 PDT 2005..
Using the Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM and the version number 1.5.0_02 from Sun Microsystems Inc..
VM is using the classpath...
well it doesn't tell which class. i can put the whole error messeage if i can copy and past it from dos window. and yes i have included j2ee.jar and lib\locale to the classpath. i'll try to post the error message
i'm a new guy to this j2ee. i just download the j2se 1.5 and j2ee 1.3.1 versions and isntalled them on a win2000 server with SP4. my j2se works fine. when i try to start the j2ee RI server with the command j2ee it gives an error message that say some "exception in thread main...
hi there, i like to know how to print a record set in the following manner
with out using crystal reports or printing to the form or using msword etc.
heading 1
empno name salary
1111 abc...
hi, i like to know what are the avilable escape charators for MS visual c++ 6.0. i tryed to use just \n but it did not worked. i was trying to get a new line in dos output.
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