Your problem sounds the same as rhyno2k is having, check out the NTBackup Scheduled Jobs never run' thread. The answer lies in the removable media pools!
You *can* restore files from an incomplete backup set, so your one tape is sufficient. However you will need to catalog the whole tape and it will take a long time.
Below is an extract from the help telling you how its done:
If you have all of the tapes in the backup set, and the tapes are...
The correct status for your tape is idle,allocated and the tape should show in the 4mmDDS pool under backup. If it doesn't it will either be in unrecongnized, imported or Free media pools, find the tape right click it and prepare it. It should then be in the free pool, it should work from here...
One thing I can see wrong here is the "4mm DDS" is in the wrong place, your command should read:
"C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\FULL Backup.bks"...
I have two AIT3 tape drives connected to my Windows Powered NAS (Win2K). I have been working with 1 tape drive and the native 2K backup sucessfully for some time but needed more capacity.
Added the 2nd drive and could do with a few pointers to get the pair of them playing nicely together!, is...
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