OK, I've found the solution:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN]
Change the iexplore.exe Value to 0 and all works.
OK, I've found some informations through the web and with the help of Regmon from sysinternals (www.sysinternals.com):
Disable the Pop-Up Blocker:
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\New Windows\PopupMgr", "no", "REG_SZ"
Reenable with
OK, after I added the following line before the End With the script proceeds:
On Error Resume Next
do 'occasionally IE still won't be ready
set pDocument = .document
loop while err
On Error Goto 0
But the Blocker remains active. Iv'e managed with a MsgBox...
I have a login script that displays a HTML-File in IE during the progress of the Login-Script. Unfortunately when it starts the pop-up-blocker and the ActiveX blocker in IE6 in XP SP2 blocks the script.
Here the code in question:
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE...
Dear all
I was away for a long time from here, so I'm sorry that I never responded to your posts.
We had found another solution (copy the files via SSH with Putty), so I never could manage to continue to search for a solution for this problem.
Eventually I can begin to look at it again during...
OK. Thank you for the fast response.
Does this mean that I can set that the switch will everytime use the same Port on which he will send the TFTP Packets?
When the TFTP Server is attached directly to it, then this will work. But what is with the other switches? Then I have to create a special...
Dear all
I installed, configured a i'm in charge of maintaing a Network with a couple of Cisco 3750 Switches.
I've heard that it's possible to set a Preffered TFTP Server in IOS, so that when I make a copy of the startup-config or running-config, it will automatically go to this one, without...
Hi there
I have a customer that uses POP Accounts and lokal Outlook Profiles for his eMail (13 Users). Now I've convinced him to implement a central adress repository for the adresses that all users need (partners, etc.). Because Outllook can use AD as a Address Book, I plan to import all the...
Thanks to all of your for your responses.
Because I have to temporarly work on another task, I can return to this only in two weeks.
If I have more questions or problems, I will return back here.
Thanks again.
Dear all
I'm relatively new to MSCS and would ask if someone has already installed IIS6 on a 2003 Cluster.
I've searched the MS Site, but I don't find anything about this topic(I don't like the new MS Search engine).
My question is which steps I have do, to install a fail-over virtual server...
Dear all
I'm relatively new to MSCS and would ask if someone has already installed IIS6 on a 2003 Cluster.
I've searched the MS Site, but I don't find anything about this topic(I don't like the new MS Search engine).
My question is which steps I have do, to install a fail-over virtual server...
Dear all
Please Help:
I've just set up NFS (SFU 3.0)on a Windows Server 2003 Cluster.
I've configured the User mappings through kopied and edited passwd and group files.
I 've implemented a simple mapping for a Domain user root to the Linux root User with the ID 0.
Then I created a Group with...
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