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  • Users: fancom
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  1. fancom

    Using Debug For Qb 'JMP,JNZ,JA...'

    Hi there. Don't ask me why, I am using debug to create some asm codes for qb4.5. But when I code an example it works fine. But when I try to make my own loops or jumps and translate it to the basic it gives an ms dos sub system error. I realized that, adding any conditional/unconditional jumps...
  2. fancom


    I am going to give you a star, thank you.
  3. fancom


    Hey I've forgotten to say I am very newbie to vb. And I feel that I've been skilled a little bit more with the information. I thank you very much, and I warn you to prepare yourself with my tones of silly questions :D...
  4. fancom


    thank you strongm, I understood why vb knows it. However my problem continues. How can I use multiline with both scrollbars at once ? P.S. I did not declared any variable like 'wordwrap'. I think other components I used have this method so, vb knows it...
  5. fancom


    Hi. I want to make an app which has a richtextbox. But when richtextbox multiline is true and scroll bars are set to both open, the horizantal scroll bar doesn't seem. They said I've to close the wordwrap but ; when I type ; richtextbox1.wORDWrap = false vb makes it RichTextBox1.WordWrap =...
  6. fancom

    Mathimatical Problem

    sorry for the wrong answer, so here you are ; The nearest integer that is square rott of any integer in basic Input "Enter An Integer";n% r% = 0 do r%=r%+1 loop until r% * r% > n% r% = r% - 1 the integer r% is what you want...
  7. fancom

    Mathimatical Problem

    well, i am triing to learn asm. But If I didn't missunderstand you the basic code is ; input "enter number";n% 'get an integer r = 0 'set the root for zero do 'loop r = r + 0.1 'increase root by 0.1 loop until r * r >= n% 'check if the r * r >= n%...
  8. fancom

    Shell Execution Problem

    well I made windows search for ftype and it couldn't found it. Anyway, thanks a lot !!!
  9. fancom

    Shell Execution Problem

    Hi. I was triing to do some stuff on ms dos with qb using shell command. When I type ; Start > Run > cmd.exe and then type 'ftype txtfile' it runs but when I use command in qb; 'Shell "ftype txtfile" it fails. I really wonder why it doesn't work with qb while it works with cmd? my MSDOS...
  10. fancom


    Also read about VESA and The command 'call interruptx'. You can read gfx card's bios and set the display however you want.
  11. fancom

    2d rotate

  12. fancom

    make library

  13. fancom

    2d rotate

    qbking i am sorry your source is wrong and one of the my first tries to 2d rotate (or 3d zrotate object) here is the code for qb 2d rotate my own; SCREEN 12 DIM MATRIX(8,8) CONTROL=0 LOCATE 12,12 PRINT INPUT "A LETTER TO ROTATE" WHILE CONTROL=0 A$=INKEY$ Z=ASC(A$) IF Z>32 AND Z<123 THEN...
  14. fancom

    make library

    hi again.. sorry couldn't get the idea about the making libs.. i've a sample code: start: screen 0 width 80 cls input "input sine to find alfa";sine if abs(sine) > 1 then goto start arcsine: myangle=0 g=abs(sine) if g=0 then myangle=0 : goto showresult if g=1 then myangle=90 : goto...
  15. fancom

    SB base pointer

    thank you for sub getblaster (dma%, baseport%, irq, errcd%) ......... .......... end sub
  16. fancom

    SB base pointer

    hi again.. thank you for helping in "logo maker" :( anyway.. does ne1 can tell me how to findout the soundblasters start adress ?.. (it is generally at &h220 but mine is not !)
  17. fancom

    logo maker

    <off topic> hi again.. i am gonna composit (one coloured) logo maker but i dont know how to send it to operator or how to save it i do not know the codec.. my question is to "is there any one who knows where to ask ?" i coluldnt find it :(.. i will be pleased if you help........ </off topic>...
  18. fancom

    gsm logo's

    is there ne1 knows that how does "web logo makers canvert the 72x28x1 image to the sms ? the codec ?"
  19. fancom

    gsm logo's

    is there any one that knows "how web logo maker converts the 72x28x1 image to the sms ?"
  20. fancom

    gsm logo's

    can vb make the logo maker application like the others on the web ?.. and how to convert the 72x28 1 bit picture to sms ?.. do you know the codecs ? (i know i should ask it in the java applet forums but i wonder if vb can ? )

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