Hi there...
I've been programming in Delphi for many years now and although I really like its development environment and underlying Object Pascal language, I think it's about time to migrate to .Net (C# mainly), since the next version of Delphi (8.0) will quite probably be the last. Besides...
Hi there...
Thanks for the replies. I'll take a look at the OpenSource-page as soon as possible. I also found a Delphi SDK site myself: http://www.centaurix.com/. As far as the "not free"-issue is concerned: I noticed that Adobe doesn't offer its Photoshop SDK for free anymore since...
Hello there...
I'm looking for a way to write a Photoshop plugin using Delphi (7). Are there any Delphi SDK's available (a translated version of the C++ SDK perhaps) or is there some other way to do it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hello there...
I'm currently programming quite a large application using Delphi 7 Enterprise and my application is also in need of a database. Since the database only needs to run on a single machine (just a local database, nothing fancy), doesn't need to be that large and/or complex and since...
Hi there ppl,
I'm having difficulties choosing Windows XP's built-in speech recognition engine (Microsoft English Recognizer v5.1, which I have trained extensively) when using Microsoft's SAPI 5.1 SDK within Delphi 7 (I've already taken a look at an article put forward by Borland...
I've just started using TClientDataSet and it does indeed look promising and is exactly what I had in mind as far as I can tell at this point. Thanks a lot.
Hello again,
I've found something that might do the trick. In case other people are also looking for SQL database access using plain text-files for storage:
TjanSQL 1.1 (http://jansfreeware.com/jansql.zip)
2-April-2002 size: 379kb
TjanSQL is a single user relational Database engine...
Hi there ppl,
First things first: I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by the "handy" ways in which Delphi users are supposed to access their database. I'm currently writing a Win32 program that needs to store some information on a per project basis (each project consists of one or...
Hello there,
I'm currently having trouble "switching frames" at runtime. I've got four different TFrames (as seperate files; I've added them to my project using "New Frame") and I've got a "main" form that has a TFrame on it which I want to use as the container...
Thanks, I already read something about the DrawFocusRect-function and that it draws in XOR-mode, but I didn't know for sure that it was this function that is responsible for drawing the focus rectangle around Windows controls that currently have focus (and whether or not it is possible to...
Hello again...
Let's say you've got an application that contains a couple of components. Every time you click on a certain component and it gets focus, a stippled focus rectangle will appear.
Of course I want to be able to "tab" through my components and be able to select them, but...
Hi there ppl...
I'm having trouble getting my application to always react on a FormKeyDown-event. Let's say I've got some form and it contains an OK- and a Cancel-button. I want the form to perform the OKClick-function when I press Enter and the CancelClick-function when I press Escape. The...
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