In Exchange 2000, the Administrator/Owner can use the Recover Deleted Items feature within Outlook. It works for me on the various folders we have (Calendar, Contacts).
However, it will only keep the deleted items per your retention policies.
I am using marcdmac's excellent login script.
Here's my situation:
I've got 20 users and 4 printers. Each user prints to their default printer of choice which they can set at their workstation. However, I'd like to set their default via the login script so if a user temporarily changes their...
I haven't used the Profiles since I have had good success with roaming profiles even with Citrix.
Simplify Printing was a no-brainer purchases. It is reliable and seems to require no maintenance post-installation. Tip: On the Citrix server, use the printer naming prefix feature and set it to...
We had a similar problem but in a non-clustered environment. I bumped the server memory and added another processor and the final piece was to do an offline defrag of the Exchange db. I would say that the annoying "waiting to connect" dialog box was diminished by 90%.
I assume you are using Veritas "Backup Exec"? If so, you should be able to drill down to the individual mailbox folders when restoring.
What I do to make sure these restored emails are not mixed in with the user's current emails is to restore the emails to a dummy Exchange account. Backup...
I've got a Cisco Pix firewall and would like to supplement it with a 3rd party network scanner who will periodically scan our network ports and recommend security fixes.
I know there are several vendors such as:
Anyone have recommendations and/or thoughts regarding...
We are hosting our own domain and website and would like some seeds into my thinking of whether or not we should move our website to a 3rd party. I would still keep the email flowing directly into Exchange.
My chief concern is of course the security of our network and if I have our website...
My environment:
Win2k Server
Exchange 2000
XP Pro desktops
Netgear switches
Cat5 cabling
Every once in a while, a user will power on their pc and login to the XP desktops only to be rejected by a message saying the profile could not be located and the local default profile will be used.
The mx records for our domain point to our main server which I have setup for hosting our website. Presently, all emails and http requests come to our server.
However, I'd like to tweak it by continuing to send emails to our Exchange server but send our website visitors to our ISP. This would...
Is it possible to make an intranet inaccessible via the internet?
My goal is to make the intranet accessible to internal employees (with no password prompting) but should someone come across the page via the internet, they will be prompted for a password.
I have a W2k SBS server and the IE proxy settings keep getting reset on the client pcs to look for a proxy server. When I go to each individual pc and uncheck the proxy settings (and reset to auto detect settings), a couple days later the same settings will reappear.
The GPO has no settings at...
Access the Microsoft Windows Update website through Internet Explorer (Tools-Windows Update). From there, do an initial scan and then on the left menu, there is an option to "View Installation History".
Unfortanately, you will have to do this on each individual server/pc.
Is it possible to log which usernames/passwords have been used both successfully and unsuccessfully to gain access?
This would help me determine any hacking attempts by former employees who use their login info.
I agree with marcs41. Outsourcing means another company is handling your email. I work for a law firm and that is a big no-no for confidentiality reasons. Because of this, we are forced to beef up our internal spam filtering.
It's possible some of the hangup can be attributed to Instant Messaging being enabled within the user's Outlook.
In Outlook, Tools-Options-Other and be sure the IM is not checked. Then restart Outlook and see if the speed improves.
Also, you mentioned a simple Word document. How about other...
Check the user's properties in Active Directory. Navigate to Exchange Advanced-Protocol Settings. The HTTP protocol can be checked to enable OWA or unchecked to disable OWA.
I too had numerous domains appearing in the queue. Fortunately, I reenabled an email account that I knew was receiving a lot of spam. Once reactivated, the queue dropped to one or two.
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