Can the reports be scheduled to go to a printer. If so How can I do that? Also my report used some input parameters which is the current days date? Can the parameters be setup in batch?
Is it possible to run a crystal report in batch mode. Is there a command by which the report will run without manual intervention at a specific time.
I am printing our a report absed on two input parameters.
1) Start Date
2) ENd Date
Both these parameters are fields in table A.
I want to calculate the day difference between start date and end date based on whether they are working days or not. There is another table B which stores whether...
I have a report on which I print out records based on two input parameters
1) Start Date
2) End Date
These are in table A.
I then want to calculate the day difference between Start date and end date based on whether they were work days or not but the information whether start date and...
I am retrieving data from Baan for my crystal report. I want to use the Baan company calendar to include holidays and work hours in my calculations. How do I use the Baan calendar?
I have grouped the records in my report by a particular type. Each record in each group has a date time difference value. I want to count the number of records in each group that have a date time difference greater than 24. Please help.
I have successfully calculated the difference. Thanks for your prompt response.
I have another problem now
We have grouped the records by a particular type. Each record in each group has a date time difference (refer to previous question). We want to count the number of records in each group...
I have four fields
1) date1
2) time 1 - This is in long format
3) date 2
4) time2 - This is in long format
How do I find the difference in minutes between the first date and time combination and the second date and time combination.
In short x= date1 time1 - date2 time 2
How do I calculate x...
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