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Search results for query: *

  1. SebastianStricker

    Scroll-view with tooltips

    Hello, how can I achieve that any tooltip-window I created within an CScrollView-derived class updates it's position while scrolling horizontal or vertical? At this time when I scroll, the tooltips screen coordinates are not updated and it's always shown on the same place on the screen (doesn't...
  2. SebastianStricker

    ressources in a MFC-Extension-DLL

    Hello, I just wanted to make an MFC-extension DLL out of some source code that was included in a common SDI-project. I put the files to the new DLL-project an exported the classes via AFX_EXT_CLASS (don't know if this is the best solution but it works). I also added the old ressources (some...
  3. SebastianStricker

    Drawing borders/boxes in a RichEditCtrl

    Hello guys, I have build an application with an Rich Edit Control in it. Formatting and showing text works fine, but now I need to draw borders/boxes around pieces of text. Can anyone help me to achieve this? I'm not really familiar with the RT-format, so one or two small examples would be...
  4. SebastianStricker


    Hello guys, is there any option in MS Visual C++ 6.0 to view the code how it looks like after the preprocessor has done all macro replacements? I want to debug a project where the original programmer inserted a lot of macros, especially for declaring types and maps in the header files. So the...
  5. SebastianStricker

    Waiting for COM messages

    Ok. My actual sink uses a special IID out of an DLL from the server application (this DLL is included via "#import"). I use this IID for the INTERFACE_MAP and the AfxConnectionAdvise method. The event handler functions are declared in a DISPATCH_MAP. Would this be the same in an...
  6. SebastianStricker

    Waiting for COM messages

    OK, I guess this would be a way but the problem is that it was relatively complicated to get the sink class work so I'm looking for a solution using my (working) sink instead of implementing a new one. I noticed that when I create a new thread with a local sink derived from CCmdTarget, this...
  7. SebastianStricker

    Waiting for COM messages

    Hello guys, I have a question about waiting for a COM message in a function: I set up an event-sink for COM events from another application in my function. Then I want the function to stop until the sink signalises that a COM message is received. The problem is that when i call...
  8. SebastianStricker

    Handling COM events

    I have a question to the COM/ATL experts: how can I handle events fired by an application I created via a smart pointer ("CreateInstance")? I know that in the namespace of the imported DLL from the program (which I created with "CreateInstance") there is an abstract base...
  9. SebastianStricker

    Drawing in a CStatic

    Yes that's it. A detailed explanation can be found here: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Languages/MFC/Q_20684690.html regards, Sebastian
  10. SebastianStricker

    Drawing in a CStatic

    Hi guys, I want to create a CStatic in a dialog form. This CStatic should only display a given COLORREF in a small rectangle. I tried to create it with SS_SIMPLE and retrieved the CDC* of the CStatic with GetDC() but I'm not able to draw on this DC (I don't see anything). Can anyone help me...

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