I am getting one error message after another with this!
This click event macro should select the specified range of data on the worksheet and export it into a new comma delimited file. I am getting "Subscript Out of Range" on the line "Workbooks(SourceWB).Activate" when I...
Actually, I think I was mistaken - nothing is being highlighted when the error message appears.
I'm matching the arguments up and I'm not missing any:
Sub ExportAsDelimited(SourceWB As String, SourceWS As String, SourceAddress As String, _
TargetFile As String, SepChar As String...
I'm coding a macro that is attached to a button. The macro should basically take a range of values from a specified sheet in the workbook (always the same so it's hardcoded) and export as a comma delimited text file to a new file.
I copied the code from another website and edited it and when I...
(BTW, thanks for pointing out the logic error, I'll fix that!)
I fixed the error - I clicked over to the SQL side and the query design was generating some funky SQL code, so I edited it by hand and it works now. (I should have just written the SQL in the first place - so much for shortcuts!)...
Thanks...following your example, I entered the following syntax to create a field called "Period":
Period: iif([lobbyTimeIn]>#8:59:00 AM# AND [lobbyTimeIn]< #11:00:00 AM#,1,iif([lobbyTimeIn]>#10:59:00 AM# AND [lobbyTimeIn]< #1:00:00 PM#,2, iif([lobbyTimeIn]>#12:59:00 PM# AND...
I'm writing a query and I want to write an expression that looks at a time field, and if that time falls within a certain period, returns a value.
Something along the lines of:
if(8:59:00 AM>[TimeIn]>11:00:00 AM),1,ELSEIF(10:59:00 AM>[TimeIn]>1:00:00 PM,2,ELSEIF(12:59:00 PM>[TimeIn]>3:00:00...
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