I think your solution will do if you are only writing text.
But I am making a drawing in wich I use textstrings(horizontal and vertical);
So if I RotateFlip my bitmap the whole drawing is rotated.
I'm use the Graphics.Drawstring method with the drawFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical.
This results in a vertical textstring which starts up and goes down.
I need to toggle this orientation so that the text starts down and goes up.
Does anyone know if there's a...
First off all: fumai and Tony thanks for your answer to my question, I hope your answers give me enough information to solve my problem.
Secondly, the reason to insert carriage returns is as follows:
We are making offers (mainly for stairs); these offers are built up with parts of sentences...
I’m making an application that is creating sentences. I’d like to know the position of the cursor on the current line, to decide whether I have to insert a carriage return.
Can anybody tell me if there is a property like CursorPosition or something like that; or another way to find out the...
I have created a form in Visual Basic 6.0 with a DataComboBox (Microsoft DataListControls SP3) on it.
The DataComboBox is connected as follows:
Set cmbTest.DataSource = rsDest
cmbTest.DataField = "fldFirst"
Set cmbTest.RowSource = rsSource...
Hello every body,
I have a simple question:
How do I move the cursor position in a Word document to the end of that document?? (Using VBA)
Thanks in advance
Jaap Sluis
Hello everybody,
I have created a database program in Visual Basic. It uses the Microsoft Access-database (*.mdb). To use this database format I have installed Microsoft Access. Is it possible to install the *.mdb file format and use it with Visual Basic without installing MS Access?
Hello everybody,
I have created a program with VBA for Word. In this program I use the following components:
Microsoft Data bound List Controls 6.0
Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 (SP4)(OLEDB)
These components were installed with Visual Basic 6.0.
Now I want to use Word with this program on...
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