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Search results for query: *

  1. jmarler

    Specify Site When Installing Web service

    I have developed a web service using C# and I am now working on the installation msi. I would like to have the installation process ask the user the specific site to which the webservice should be installed (using WIN2K or WIN2003 SERVER with multiple Websites installed). I have no problem...
  2. jmarler

    sp_updatestats Question

    I know that runnning sp_updatestats will increase performance on a SQL 2000 database, but my question is how often is sp_updatestats run in a day. I am working on an application that is about to be deployed worldwide with a central database. Using a small testing group (approx. 30 users), we are...
  3. jmarler

    Create objects from CLSID?

    As long as the object is being created latebound, there is no need to add a reference to a VB program, however CreateObject does expect the progid and not the CLSID. If you only know the CLSID, you can get the ProgID using the following API . . . ProgIDFromCLSID Retrieves the ProgID for a...
  4. jmarler

    Coverting to the Dreaded MAC

    But if the code is in an ActiveX control running in a web browser it is still running on the MAC. And if the ActiveX was compiled to binary code for an Intel process (I.E. Pentium) then how would the same binary code run on a Motorola based processor? Unless MAC's IE provides some sort of...
  5. jmarler

    Problem rounding decimals

    Hey Jon, Thanks for the info . . . I did not know that there was a formatcurrency command . . . you learn soething new everyday! Have a star! - Jeff Marler B-)
  6. jmarler

    Problem rounding decimals

    Take the number that you need to round and divide it by 100, add .5 , multiply by 100, and take the integer value. for eample . . . 10.116 (Starting Value) 1011.6 (Multiply by 100) 1012.1 (Add .5) 1012.0 (Take the integral value) 10.12 (Divide by 100) Or in code Dim...
  7. jmarler

    sql statement

    Craig, I was looking at performance (specifically netowrk traffic) Why bring the entire recordset across the network (assuming this is a networked application) when all you need is one row with the count. Let the DB server count the record for you locally and then simply return the total...
  8. jmarler

    sql statement

    You could use RecordCount in either a big recordset or a small recordset as long as you are working with a client side cursor. Although if all you want is the cound of records, you should not bring back all the records and use recordcount. Your first approach use the SQL count command is the...
  9. jmarler

    Queued Component Waiting To Connect

    Thanks for answering Chip . . . All of the components were written in VB 6.0 running on WIN2k Pro Servers. The overall load at the time was very light ( 4-5 users). This error only seems to happen when we are running on the cluster boxes. When we break the MSMQ cluster into a single MSMQ box...
  10. jmarler

    Queued Component Waiting To Connect

    Has anyone here ever seen the message "Waiting to connect" on outgoing queues when using queued components? We have an application that was written in part with queued components. Both the Application server and MSMQ server are on clusters. The COM+ proxy exports for the queued...
  11. jmarler

    Time in Milliseconds

    Thanks John . . . actually, someone at work gave me what I need. It's simply Format$(Now, "hh:mm:ss:ms"). - Jeff Marler B-)
  12. jmarler

    Time in Milliseconds

    Does anyone know of a way to format the Date command or the Now command so that it will return milliseconds along with the actual HH:MM:SS data? - Jeff Marler B-)
  13. jmarler

    I Need Help w/ XML

    Just a suggestion . . . if you are using variables withou first declaring them, that can lead to really nasty bugs. Make sure that your code has an Option Explicit in the top of every file and then the complier will warn you. Better yet, turn in on it your options *for some reason, the default...
  14. jmarler

    Can a recordset object be passed from a component to client

    Zeevgetner is very close to the actual solution. I would suggest a few changes. Rather than passing a recrdset reference up to the server (I.E. More data to marshal), create the recordset in the server component and return it from a function. Also, make sure that the server is set to be a client...
  15. jmarler

    How to unprotect a module

    Look in the directory where the source code is and delete the *.Scc files. this will remove the SourceSafe protection. - Jeff Marler B-)
  16. jmarler

    COM Urgent Pls !!!!

    Forms are VB objects rather than true COM objects (I imagine that you are passing the form as an Object). This might work better if you created a class wrapper to place around your form (so that the form could remain native to its EXE) and then you would call functions on the class wrapper that...
  17. jmarler

    Conn ByRef into Object - is this a good OOP practice

    I would also add that you will want to make sure that you are not passing the object across and process baoundaries and/or machine boundaries. This will kill performance as will as cause security issues. If the object is to be passed around in a single process, then you will be fine. - Jeff...
  18. jmarler

    Generating Response for Queued Components

    I am working on an n-tiered application written in VB DLLs running under component services/COM+ and part of the application requires asynchronous functionality. To implement the asynchronous functionality, I am using queued components where MSMQ delivers the marshalled data without forcing the...
  19. jmarler

    Reading INI file problem...

    You can use a normal nonfixed length string, but the API call does expect a buffer in which to insert its results. Almost all APIs dealing with strings work this way. If you use a normal string, then you need to allocate space for the answer using the Space$ command. For example . . . dim...
  20. jmarler

    Create an ActiveX.exe that is called from a DOS Command Line?

    Use the Command$ instruction in Visual Basic. It returns whatever follows the actual application name when it is run. For example, given the following scenario - <From the Command Prompt, your script called> C:\MyApp.exe /A SomeData /B MoreData <In your application Startup code - could be...

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