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Search results for query: *


    How to determine if Form is obscured.

    Mike - I think I may have misunderstood your question. Being more awake! and looking at the links under your post, it may be that we are looking at the same underlying issues. The application(s) which I am trying to "screen scrape" have all (as far as I can make out) been developed with...

    How to determine if Form is obscured.

    It doesn't specifically? Should it?

    How to determine if Form is obscured.

    I'll try the PrintWindow tomorrow when I'm back @ work - thanks. strongm - here's the code (for clarity's sake) (thanks to Danny Battison) public static System.Drawing.Bitmap CaptureClip(int x, int y, int width, int height) { System.Drawing.Bitmap BMP = new Bitmap(width, height...

    How to determine if Form is obscured.

    The form which I need to Capture is from another application, I have no control over it programmatically. Essentially, I am trying to "scrape" information from the form to then do some look-ups in a database from predetermined areas (fields) on the form. I have set up some code within a...

    How to determine if Form is obscured.

    Hi I am developing an application in C# .NET which needs to create a bitmap image of a Windows Form, save it to disk and then do some OCR recognition on parts of that screen shot. This is fine and I can do it. If the window is obscured by another one, then my screen shot may be invalid for the...

    Help needed with "Pivot" or is it?

    Awesome!! It works a treat, and fast too! Thanks Rog

    Help needed with "Pivot" or is it?

    Thanks for response and interest, but that is a SUMMATION - what I am after is NOT a SUMMING. Perhaps my example wasnt a good representation. This is more like it: Part_ref AttribType Attrib_Value ABC101 Fitting Left ABC101 Length 59.60 ABC101 Material...

    Variable table names in Stored Procedures

    Thanks for the Head up on that one... I'll look out for that Rog

    Help needed with "Pivot" or is it?

    Hi I'm struggling with trying to put some code together to produce the following: Table 1 Part_ref AttribType Attrib_Value ABC101 1 125.00 ABC101 2 433.00 ABC101 3 123.00 XYZ202 1 89.00 XYZ202 2 444.00...

    Variable table names in Stored Procedures

    On this topic, do you happen to know if there is any limit to the number of characters you can use in the "derived" SQL statement. Some of my queries can get quite large and I haven't reached any limits as yet. Rog

    Variable table names in Stored Procedures

    You're welcome mate.. Hope it helps someone else.. Rog

    Variable table names in Stored Procedures

    Do it this way in mySQL CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_my_proc`(reqdTable varchar(50)) set @table_name = reqdTable; SET @sql_text = concat('SELECT ..blah blah' FROM',@table_name,'WHERE blah blah'); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; Roger

    Multi-Table Function Help please!

    When you put it like that !!! << Stands back about 20 feet >> I have declared and filled an @EngineType variable etc. It now works perfectly. BIG Thanks!! Roger

    Multi-Table Function Help please!

    I have tables in SQL Server structured as below ( greatly simplified ) Engines +++++++ EngineId Description ManufacturerId EngineType EngineDesign .. .. etc .. .. +++++ The two fields EngineType and EngineDesign are values from another table "KeyTableEntries" which hold a set of possible...

    Data Binding

    dalchri - makes sense re: the 'Save' button - thanks. I guess I'm just going to have to add the call to the CurrencyManager on each TextBox's 'Validated' event to make sure the DataSet reflects the changes made? I have been looking into creating a custom TextBox class with built-in call to the...

    Data Binding

    It would seem the only way that I can get anything back to the dataset is by declaring a CurrencyManager for the DataSet and then on the 'leave' event of the TextBox, I call - cm.EndCurrentEdit() This indeed updates the DataSet. I have included a "Save" CommandButton to Update the Dataset...

    Data Binding

    hi dalchri - Thanks for responding Unfortunately, my last post didn't make it as I lost contact with the server :-( What I am actually after is an event that I can hook into which will fire when any row/column gets changed as opposed to a check method to tell me if they changed. Thanks for...

    Data Binding

    Hi I'm fairly new to C# and .NET coming from Visual FoxPro. I have a Windows Form with TextBoxes which have been data-bound to a DataSet. Everything works fine as I scroll up and down the dataset. I am struggling with a few issues (primarily of understanding since I am self-taught) 1) How...

    Get value from DataGrid/DataSet

    Hi Guys Spot on - MeonR ! WinForms doesn't have that property. I have approached the 'problem' from a different direction and instead of 'Cascading' the events I have the combo change populate a DataSet with two tables and define a one-to-many relationship between the tables. By...

    Get value from DataGrid/DataSet

    Thanks for the detail - I'll try that later Roger

Part and Inventory Search
