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Search results for query: *

  1. thiefmaster

    path to my program

    thanks... works great
  2. thiefmaster

    path to my program

    I'm trying to figure out how i can find the path to my program that I'm running. eg. if the program is in c:\myprog.exe, then the variable would be "c:\myprog.exe" I know how to do this in C++ with argc and argv. then, all I need to do is take the value from argv[0]. However, my...
  3. thiefmaster

    MS Access database access in C++

    thanks... exactly what i was looking for but couldn't find. :)
  4. thiefmaster

    MS Access database access in C++

    I'm writing a program that needs to be able to connect to an Access database. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can get information regarding this? I've done a lot of work with Access using ADO in VB, but my program that I have is written in C++... Thanks
  5. thiefmaster

    British flag

    #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int x; int y; void main() { for(int x=0, y=0; x<20, y<20; x++, y++) { gotoxy(x,y); cout << &quot;\x03&quot; &quot;\n&quot;; } cin >> &quot;&quot;; } this error &quot;assignment5.cpp:12: warning: name lookup of `x' changed...
  6. thiefmaster

    bitmap storage

    Hello. I have an app that uses a lot of bitmaps... Is it possible to have a dll file that stores the bitmaps and allows me to import the images in my main program? If so, how do i go about doing it? thanks in advance thiefmaster
  7. thiefmaster

    HELP! Timers

    i would think that a better approach would be to capture the mouse move event (i'm not sure which message that is). Just a thought... thiefmaster
  8. thiefmaster

    Status Bar Question

    Hi. I have a menu and a status bar in my program. I found this article on the net -> http://www5.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/content/15/04/pp1504.001.html <- which showed how to make it so that when you went over items, it would update the status bar accordingly. The only problem with this code is...
  9. thiefmaster

    Rich Edit Boxes

    my only problem was that I was stupid and didn't include <richedit.h>... slight oversight on my part... I had to read through a japanese website and look at only the code to figure it out... :) maybe this will help.
  10. thiefmaster

    antialiasing fonts

    Hi. I'm trying to figure out how to antialias a font so that it looks right in comparison to the rest of my bitmap. Here's the code that I'm already using: bitm = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP2)); GetBitmapDimensionEx(bitm, &amp;size); GetClientRect (hDlg, &amp;rect); hdc1 =...
  11. thiefmaster

    Rich Edit Formatting

    I figured out how to display a rich edit box and to get my text in it superscripted, but I ran into another problem. How can I make it so that the superscripted text is not cut off? As it is now, you cannot see what is in superscript. I've already adjusted the control's editing rectange by...
  12. thiefmaster

    How do I fix unresolved external _main?

    1. Type your main program and save the file in a directory. 2. Create the project file in Visual C++. a. File. New... b. Win32 Application. Click Next. c. A new window will open with properties for your new project. Select "An empty project" and click finish. 3. Add your program...
  13. thiefmaster

    Rich Edit Boxes

    I'm having trouble using a rich edit text box. Here's the code I'm using. LoadLibrary(&quot;Riched20.dll&quot;); hwndObject = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT(&quot;RICHEDIT_CLASS&quot;), TEXT(&quot;me&quot;), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_READONLY, 300, 50, 100...
  14. thiefmaster

    Array with variable as index

    i had written myelements2[i] = myelements[i], but forgot to enclose it by the code TGML... :) I needed to have an array that was only as large as it needed to be because it is a class... If i remember from when I did a sizeof, each one is around 100 bytes (i think)... therefore, if it has 100...
  15. thiefmaster

    Using the TIMESTAMP Predefined Macro

    I'm pretty sure i've got the problem licked now... Like you said, I needed to take the date of the EXE file rather than doing it any other way...
  16. thiefmaster

    Copy variable without changing original

    if you have something like below, it should work for you. int main() { int num1 = 3; int num2 = 5; num1 = num2; // num1 == 5 &amp;&amp; num2 == 5 return 0; } the other thing is, what kind of variables are they? Are they ints? floats? depending on what type of variable you have can affect...
  17. thiefmaster

    Array with variable as index

    not quite. Let me see if i can clarify: If there is only 1 element in the array, then the array would only be of size 1. If there is 2 elements in the array, then the array would be of size 2. etc. So basically, it would be an array that grows with the data put into it. I've tried to have...
  18. thiefmaster

    WM_TIMER and GetTickCount()

    oops... &quot;WM_TIMER messages can be queued and then sent to ->your program<- depending...&quot;
  19. thiefmaster

    WM_TIMER and GetTickCount()

    I was reading from one of my Win32 API books, and it stated that WM_TIMER messages can be queued and then sent to windows depending on what Windows is working on, which makes it very unreliable if you want to do something that needs good precision. Good luck
  20. thiefmaster

    Using the TIMESTAMP Predefined Macro

    Hello. I'm having a problem with the TIMESTAMP Predefined Macro. Perhaps it's just not what I need to use, but I'll find out. I want to make it so my program has the date and time of build encoded in it in such a way that my program can view this information in the about box. eg. About my...

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