You can set the session variable at the begining of the second page (index.cfm) as the followin':
<CFSET Session.countryID = #Form.SelectCountry#> <Always there's a solution></Always there's a solution>
You can have strings directly using the "", for example:
<CFSET Grade = "#StGrade#">
You can convert a string beginning with a numeric to a numeric value, for example:
<CFSET value1 = Val(Grade)>
o.k. jarla. i gave u the idea that i know. check cfhub's idea too, maybe it's better :)
thanx for help, cfhub ;) <Always there's a solution>
</Always there's a solution>
o.k. are you tryin' to make an expert system or what? anyway, you can do that by repeatin' the same process three times. i tried the followin' code:
<cfif isdefined("FrmSend")>
<cfquery datasource="words" name="Q">
Select * From Words
Where Word =...
hi there ...
this's another way:
<input type="image" src="file:///c:/filename.xxx" width="80" height="55" onClick="alert('hi')">
<Always there's a solution>
</Always there's a solution>
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