This works for getting the Monday of the current week (system time).
Date (Year (CurrentDateTime),1,1)+7*({@weeknumber}-1)-DayOfWeek (Date (Year (CurrentDateTime),1,1))+2
With @weeknumber= int(DatePart("ww",CurrentDate))
Can anyone show me a muh cleaner way of getting the same...
Can anyone enlighten me on a fast way to connect Crystal 9 to Interbase ? I've currently got my reports working via ODBC but they drag like hell.
I really need to speed them up or face the wrath of the usual managers who know nothing but expect everything !!
Thanks guys. Any replies - even no...
I hate the 'should be simple' ones that I really can't figure out.
I have a formula that has to display the year in text using ToText. Everything runs fine except I get the thousand separator in the middle of the year - 2,003 !
I bet it's simple but the help file in CR9 didn't do it for me. Can...
Can anyone point me to a good source for an appointment calander in version 6 and up ?
I want to be able to have a good weekly / monthly report that shows all days per personnel in an Outlook type format regardless of if any appointments being made.
Thanks guys
post good URL links to ...
If possible please direct me to an appropriate source on the following.
I'm totally green on Lotus Domino and Notes R5. My company has chosen to use this version as supplied by a higher power within my group.
What I have to do : Setup a Domino Mail server and sixty Notes clients.
What I need...
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