I was checking a little bit the CORDIC algorithm, but on the math_real library it seems to be using it.
Do you have an article where it explains how to use CORDIC on VHDL? Is there any library or something like it.
Thank you
Hi guys,
I'm working on a FIR Filter.
On the code above, I'm doing a multiplication (*) of eight signals with a for and with an accumulator I'm doing the addition of every result. The for works to move the pointer of the array.
I've checked several times the code, but on compilation it says...
If you´re trying to write a simple code, have you tried with "*" multiplier? With the library ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all you might use it. You could also convert the types from integer to any other types to use this function easily.
Tell me if that would help you.
Hi, I'm an Eng. Electronic trying to modulate a communication channel on VHDL. That's why I need to use the library math_real, but I'm having problems to use it.
I declared to signals a,b as real to try to use the sin function as example. The simple code
signal e,d: real;
c <= sin(d);
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