Good question but the users want to use Access where I am creating some easy to use selection forms where I am then I want to pass the parameters into the query. I could use a crosstab query instead of excel but I feel the users will have more control over the excel file if I output to excel...
I know I can run a macro and specification to export results from a query to an excel file. Is there a way to purge the existing records in the sheet and then export the results? I have a pivot table that is set to refresh on open so I can't just delete the file I need to actually have the...
Hello all. I have a query where I am getting a total QTY by month/year. I need to now break it up into weeks. Is this possible? Thanks all. Here is the functions I am using for year and month.
Year([DateShipped]) AS [Year], Month([DateShipped]) AS [Month]
Here it is resent with the actual bat I think I took another example:
for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%I in ('ipconfig /all^|find /I "DNS Servers"') do call :SETDNS %%I
@echo DNS server is %DNS_SRV%
goto :DONE
if NOT {%1}=={} (
set DNS_SRV=%1
@goto :EOF
) ELSE goto :EOF
Jay if I have a bat file, how can I get that bat file code into my procedure? For example here is the bat file code which has some single quotes in it. How can I run this code within a stored procedure? Thanks so much for your help. Then I will pass how you showed the variable.
for /f...
Hello all. I have a batch file that I want to call based on criteria in a stored procedure. How do I within an IF statement switch to the command shell and run command shell lines? Also is there a way to pass into one of the command shell lines a variable? I have a program that auto emails...
Ok i have narrowed down the issue. I have installed mdac 2.8 again as well. I am getting an automation error on the line
Set db = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
it was working fine then I had to kill the application mid process I am now getting an automation error. I...
Hello all. I tried installing VB and I had to kill the install. Now when I try and bring up setup its going to InstallSheild and it shows Launch Backoffice and then it goes right to the last screen for register. What do I have to do to get it back to the start of the install so I can select...
Hello all. I have a VB app that utilizes crystal and MS-Fax. The program ran the first time but I had to kill the application. Now I am getting this automation error but it was working. Any idea what I can look for in processes or anything? I dont want have to reboot. Thanks all
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