When I select a range in a excel sheet I would like to get the range info of what I have selected, something like
dim test as range
and "test" is now Range("A1:C3")
how do I do this
Br Bo
I using VBA 6.3 for excel
I want to be able to do the following.
- press a button that open a new excel file
- in the new excel file I want the user to select a sheet of his own choice, lets say he picks a sheet called "test6" and then he select cells(5,9).
my question is: is it possible...
Hello VB
I have a dataset that I load into a datagrid, when I write a new line in the datagrid and try to save the changes i get an error "there is no row at position 11". Only if I changes to a different row, the saving is accepted. It is like the row is not created. Does someone know...
I have a dataset displayed in a datagrid. When the text in one cell is changed and the cell is left, I want to fire an event that writes some test in the cell right to one where I changed the text. Is there anybody who can help??
I have read all about commandbuilder in several NG's but still I can't find out whats wrong
I have a SQL database called "m100SQL" with a table called "m100", below is the code I use to fill a dataset, and update the database, but it fails. Could somebody please tell me...
Hey TT
I'am new in VB
I have a datagrid in VB.Net, that is generated with the wizard. I have a column called "user", where I want to change the width. The datagrid name is "grdm100".
I have tryed a lot without anything happening, Do I need to refresh the datagrid, nad if, how...
I have the following code to make a excel sheet
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
'Start a new workbook in Excel.
oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add '***...
Hello TekTip users
I have a form that I would like to start up in the lower left corner. I can use the start position but if the screen resolution is changes the start posistion is also changed. If I have the screen resulution I could handle this problem, or is there another way I could deal...
Hi TomKane
It almost worked, but I had to tjeck the filesize as well, otherwise I was reading from an empty file:
s = 0
Do While s = 0
s = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").Getfile("c:\time.txt").Size
thank you for your tip
I'am using a shell command to create a text file:
Shell("cmd.exe /C NET TIME \\fileserver > time.txt")
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
' Open file and read in text
intF = FreeFile
Open filnavn For Input As #intF
Line Input #intF, strX
Close intF
I'am a newbee :)
Is it possible to make a VBA program that can be shown at the taskbar (windows XP/2000), next to the clock, where this program has a textbox, where a number can be entered
I have 50 textboxes in an excel sheet that has to write a test next to the textbox. Instead of making 50 macroes, I would like to make one macro, that knows which of the textboxes I have pressed and therebye write the text the right place. Hope I have been a bit more specific
I'am working in excel VBA
If I assign two different object (fx. a textbox) to the same macro, how do the macro know which object the macro is assigned from.
Is it possible to make a button in excel (fx. a textbox) that links to a macro (that¡¦s easy), but where the button is linked to a cell so VBA knows the position of the button. Right now I have a sub for every single button, quite annoying ƒº
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