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Search results for query: *

  1. Ruggie

    Internet explorer 8 cannot print on 64 bit version

    I've recently ran into the same problem with friend who had an HP printer as well. I think the activeX controls may differ based on the printer vendor but it does seem to be an issue with HP printers. The solution is simple though! Your most likely using the Internet Explorer icon labeled...
  2. Ruggie

    multiple submit buttons from xml

    Ignore my second line on that last post, I ran a few more than two searches. :)
  3. Ruggie

    multiple submit buttons from xml

    Thats kinda my point. I just ran a search in two windows, one with 4 adults 4 kids, the second with 0 adults 0 kids. Now under the same listing I get two different prices.. Whitewater Hotel 2 Queen ... 0adults0kids - 154.00 4adults4kids - 204.00 0adults4kids - 154.00 1adults0kids - 129.00...
  4. Ruggie

    multiple submit buttons from xml

    Another thing I just noticed when looking at the output code, you have php being drawn as commented out html.. <!-- Sets selectedRoom variable in the form below. Calls function on the button click and after the selectedRoom form field's value is set it submits the form. //selectedRoom value...
  5. Ruggie

    multiple submit buttons from xml

    You get a rate, but go back and rebook with different options. I got the same rate and sometimes got a really bogus rate. For example it said at the top my rate was 159 or something and below my final rate was 800. I ran all tests for a single day, not two days. Don't know if that changes the...
  6. Ruggie

    multiple submit buttons from xml

    I don't know much about XML databases, however some things do stand out to me here. 1st, numberOfBeds is statically set to 1 2nd, (might be related to first issue) I can select 0 adults and 0 children and get the same price as 4 adults and 4 kids. or this could be a problem in the...
  7. Ruggie

    Formatting question

    Another thing to note, does the _p function return a value or does it output the text directly to the buffer/user ? If it outputs the text directly, remove the = sign before you call it. You use that to echo results, example: <? $myvar = " world!"; ?> <html> Hello <?=$myvar?>! </html> Result...
  8. Ruggie

    Write to Debug file globally

    Yes it would timeout, but if that happens, your page and any following code times out as well! I don't know about others, but I would rather have the file write be dropped and serve the user the rest of the page before the time_limit kicks in.
  9. Ruggie

    Preventing duplicate form submissions

    jpadie, I never thought about logging all sql commands to a file or another database, that is such a simple idea and a great one! Just wanted to say thanks for mentioning it. :)
  10. Ruggie

    password encryption

    I agree with TechieMicheal about the JavaScript thing, a lot of the programming I do is viewed by hospital networks, most of them use proxy servers to strip any kind of client-side script tags. You can never trust the client to handle key operations. My login pages are all on the SSL side of the...
  11. Ruggie

    Write to Debug file globally

    I'm used to working on Windows servers in which the lock happens automatically. (might have been a setting I changed, can't remember)(One of my major scripts writes to a lot of database 'files', not my first choice but it was the only way to solve a few cross-network issues when our data-center...
  12. Ruggie

    Preventing duplicate form submissions

    It depends on how your using the database, if you have a unique field or key field that you are populating (not auto-increment) you can run a SELECT before the INSERT to determine if the record is already there, and if it is, then maybe the user is trying to change something, so switch the...
  13. Ruggie

    Write to Debug file globally

    This is what I do. I use a class to handle all debugging. When I'm developing, changing something, or hunting for a problem, I turn debugging on. But normally it is turned off. $debug = true; || $debug = false; in a header file. This allows me to save processing time by turning it off...
  14. Ruggie

    Write to Debug file globally

    If one of those files (settings.php or LibOfFuncs.php) is included by all the other files then just create a function in there. Then any time you want to write to the log just call the function. function Log($msg){ $fp = fopen("log.txt","a+"); fwrite($fp, $msg."\r\n"); fclose($fp); }...
  15. Ruggie


    Also if your trying something like this... <? $myvar="This variable is set"; ?> <? include_once('settings.php'); function output(){ echo $myvar; // Fails undefined variable } output(); // Will output an error message echo $myvar; // Outputs, This variable is set // A way around this is...
  16. Ruggie

    How do I include html in IF statement?

    Another method you might try: <?php if (is_page('2')) { ?> <div style="border: 1px solid #000000;">Using this method allows you to inject HTML without escaping " or ' marks as you would with the 'echo' or 'print' commands.</div> <? } else { ?> <div>However, the code does...
  17. Ruggie

    Square thumbnail php

    In order to maintain your aspect ratio but still output a square, your going to have an image with empty space. I think this is what you want so I fixed up your a code a bit, try this: <? function CreateSiteThumbnail($srcFile, $destFile, $maxWidth_N_Height, $quality = 100) { $thumbnail =...
  18. Ruggie

    File Generator

    I was having trouble with an upload script that I had and was getting a 502 Bad Gateway error, I wanted to know if it was a filesize problem or a timeout problem. Finding files on my computer of the right sizes proved to be too annoying so I wrote a quick script that makes files in increments...
  19. Ruggie

    Setting a wallpaper

    I understand what your saying but the main problem I was having was not being able to include shlobj.h so I could use the interface IActiveDesktop. The MSDN says IActiveDesktop requires shlobj.h Unless your suggesting another method? If so please explain a bit more. Thank you.
  20. Ruggie

    Setting a wallpaper

    I'm attempting to set a JPG desktop wallpaper via the IActiveDesktop interface but every time I include shlobj.h I get a bunch of "Multiple declaration" errors and the interface is not available without it. Anyone have suggestions on another way to do this? I know you can set bmp images via...

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