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  1. ChiHappens

    bubble sort - two dimensional array - c++

    Yeah its a boolean value. in c++ a boolean value is defined by the keyword bool. it can be represented as zero and non-zero, or better yet, using TRUE and FALSE. It is used in the bubble sort to know when to exit. Hope this helps, Chi Happens Chi Happens "When you know and respect your...
  2. ChiHappens

    How to convert a string into a AnsiString?

    Just use c_str() on the ansistring, that converts it to a basic string. String MyAnsiString = "This is my string"; string MyBasicString; MyBasicString = MyAnsiString.c_str(); Caption = MyBasicString.c_str(); Chi Happens "When you know and respect your own inner...
  3. ChiHappens

    bubble sort - two dimensional array - c++

    lionelhill understood. thanks for the additional info. Chi Happens "When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong" - Benjamin Hoff
  4. ChiHappens

    bubble sort - two dimensional array - c++

    lionelhill, Certainly there are other, and more effecient sorting techniques like Radix Sort, but that isn't what was asked for. Here is a simple chart to compare the sorts: SORT WORST CASE AVERAGE Selection Sort n^2 n^2 Bubble Sort n^2 n^2 Insertion Sort...
  5. ChiHappens

    How to convert a string into a AnsiString?

    2ffat, Excellent. I have used c_str to convert ansistring for use with api calls, but it didn't even occur to me to convert the standard string to a c_string. lol, that ROCKS!!! Chi Happens "When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where...
  6. ChiHappens

    How to convert a string into a AnsiString?

    std::string mybasic; String myansi; mybasic = &quot;this&quot;; for(int t=0;t<mybasic.length();t++) myansi += mybasic.at(t); Chi Happens Chi Happens &quot;When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't...
  7. ChiHappens

    bubble sort - two dimensional array - c++

    ah, it's pretty simple to open a file and read the contents. not much to that algorithm. i think i'll let you figure that out on your own. hint: use fstream Chi Happens Chi Happens &quot;When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you...
  8. ChiHappens

    Semaphores /File Access

    Kewl, let me know how it works out, or if you need some help. Chi Happens Chi Happens &quot;When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong&quot; - Benjamin Hoff
  9. ChiHappens

    Custom Corsur - link .RES file??

    try #pragma resource &quot;hammer.res&quot; Chi Happens &quot;When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong&quot; - Benjamin Hoff
  10. ChiHappens

    Image from .res file

    you should be able to use LoadImage to access the resouce images. you need to have #pragma resouce &quot;filename.res&quot; at the top of the code (replace filename with the name of your resource file) Then you can do this (if the bitmap within the resource is named BITMAP1, otherwise...
  11. ChiHappens

    Semaphores /File Access

    Sherak, Well if I were creating a client-server flat-file database system, I would have the server application control the read/write operations. That way only ONE application is actually opening the file. The client programs could send the data requests and updates through a port or the could...
  12. ChiHappens

    bubble sort - two dimensional array - c++

    a bubble sort is really simple (and quite effective) #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <conio.h> //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //...
  13. ChiHappens

    Port -&gt; Access to VB (import and parse multiple text files)

    CCLINT, Right you can use NEW keyword to instatiate a COM object. However, some COM objects do not recognize the new keyword and MUST be instatiated using the CreateObject method. Since I am a contract programmer, I tend to use the lowest common denominator and create all my object using...
  14. ChiHappens

    Port -&gt; Access to VB (import and parse multiple text files)

    Jeezus I'm full of mistakes tonight. Always remember, and never forget to delete your objects you create. So when you type Set objThis = CreateObject(&quot;whatever&quot;) you need to type Set objThis = Nothing when you no longer need it. Therefore, you need to include one last line...
  15. ChiHappens

    Port -&gt; Access to VB (import and parse multiple text files)

    One last thing...i made a typo: The line that reads: Dim CD as ADODB.Connection Should say Dim CN As ADODB.Connection. Chi Happens &quot;When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong&quot; - Benjamin Hoff
  16. ChiHappens

    Port -&gt; Access to VB (import and parse multiple text files)

    Oh one more thing for CCLINT, You don't need anything to distribute an access database file, especially if you create an application that uses ADO for accessing it (since that is included with windows and downloadable for free from microsoft) When you create a program that accesses an access...
  17. ChiHappens

    Port -&gt; Access to VB (import and parse multiple text files)

    My answer was about VB, i assumed that you were already building it in VB (from your first post) so i did not go into detail (I thought you meant that you did not know how to distribute an mdb file). Here is how you do ADO: Dim CD As ADODB.Connection Dim RS As ADODB.RecordSet Dim SQL As String...
  18. ChiHappens

    Need a control to size pictures

    you can do that with the picturebox control and BitBlt api function. Chi Happens &quot;When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong&quot; - Benjamin Hoff
  19. ChiHappens

    Port -&gt; Access to VB (import and parse multiple text files)

    you should be able to distribute the mdb file and if you use package and deployment wizard, it will know to include the adodb objects. Chi Happens &quot;When you know and respect your own inner nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong&quot; - Benjamin Hoff
  20. ChiHappens

    Opening Access

    There are 2 ways to use an access db in vb: 1) You create a connection to the database. you don't have to use DSN, you can connect to it directly. 2) Otherwise, you can open it using an access object: Dim objAccess As Access.Application Set objAccess =...

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