Sybase SqaAny 5.4
The app is accounting and is call ReMACS
A saved external crystal.rpt is used by the app.
The app get sold that way
I do not want anyone to be able to open the crystal.rpt and see my coding or worst of all try to update it.
I want to password protect against anyone opening, seeing and or updating my Crystal Reports code.
I looked for a Crystal "Save As" that would offer password protection but did not see the option
Is this possible.....?????
Ed Hawkins
I want to password protect against anyone opening, seeing and or updating my Crystal Reports code.
I looked for a Crystal "Save As" that would offer password protection but did not see the option
Is this possible.....?????
Ed Hawkins
When trying to print Crystal Reports we get
Seagate Crystal error "The Library psdodbc.dll can not be found, press continue to view report"
Viewed report does not appear
Remacs printing out Crystal has always run like a champ on NT4
We have been using NT4 servers as workstartions in Taco Bells and are now testing it with Win2k Advanced Server.
We have yet to get past the Crystal error on Win2K server.
We have tried running Remacs thru Win2k Terminal...
We tried running a report with the data save in the report and got the same error say pdsodbc.dll not found. I also tested running the report on the Win2000 Server ( no terminal server ) got the same error.
I would appreciate you advise
Ed Hawkins
We are running Crystal 7 inside a 32 bit application called ReMACS (Accounting software for fast food restaurants). ReMACS was developed in Delphi 3 and we are using Delphi VCL to embed the Crystal reporting engine into ReMACS. If we run ReMACS stand alone Crystal reporting engine has always...
We get the following Seagate Crystall error when trying to print out of Crystal 7: The library 'PdSODBC.dll' cannot be found. Continue to open report for viewing only.
The software is ran on "Windows Advance Server" using terminal server as a client.
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