[morning] Hi,
I have a combo box that contains
Airport Code, Name of Aiport, Location
It drops down all of this information, and then simplpy populates the field with the Airport code.
As with all combo boxes the user is allowed to type the airport code in the box, but it will only allow...
I would like to create a function that automatically generates a report at the end of the month. The report will be automatically emailed to a mailing list.
Thanks guys the final submission worked....FINALLY...
Bill, I don't know what I have wrong, but I'm going to run with the if statements :)
Thanks again....this has been mossssst helpful
Peace [afro2]
in the middle east
Cool [biggglasses]
thank you for the ears...[bigears]
I have ContacType: (where they select the contact type)
Private Sub ContacType_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me!ContacType
Case Is = "Client"
Me!Company_ID.Visible = True
Case Else
Me!Company_ID.Visible = False
End Select
End Sub
There is no events for the Company_ID, Visible set to...
The reason I'm avoiding the subform is to create as easy an interface for the user as possible, this is for someone who wants to do MINIMAL data entry work, so I would like things to be a local on the screen as possible.
When selecting Client, I simply select it from the list, I tried hitting enter or tab...neither work, they just take me to another position on the form...
Much work, to no avail...I've eliminated the errors, but the combo box of companies does not appear when "Client" is selected from the first combo box.
:) Thanks, for the help, I must go through this more closely, because I made some deletions and now there are no errors, but the command just doesn't seem to be executing...Arrrrrrgh!
Thanks for all of your help:)
Private Sub Primary_Contact_Type_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me!Primary_Contact_Type
Case Is = "Client"
Me!Company_ID.Visible = True
Case Else
Me!Company_ID.Visible = False
End Select
End Sub
Thanks for all of your help:)
Private Sub Primary_Contact_Type_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me!Primary_Contact_Type
Case Is = "Client"
Me!Company_ID.Visible = True
Case Else
Me!Company_ID.Visible = False
End Select
End Sub
I did make the adjustments before I saw your post, but continue to receive an error
"The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Procedure declaration does not match description of event or preceduring having the same name.
* The...
Ok, that has fixed the initial problem, the CompanyID is invisible when the form is loaded, but is not becoming visible when Type of Contact is Client...
Should I have an AfterUpdate under the Type of Contact?
Thank you for this Bill, something seems to be awry in my coding, as this is not causing the combo box to be invisible when the Form is loaded. this is the code that I have...
Private Sub Company_ID_AfterUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me!Primary_Contact_Type
Case Is = "Client"...
What would happen if I were to have more than two users.
I.E. I have Officer,Director and Client
Officer generates a list, Director generates a list...etc.
Is there a way to create some sort of hidden combo box that appears only when one of the above is selected.?
I have a form with a series of cbo boxes. I would like to use the contents of a combo box to determine the contents of another...For instance
If combo 1 has user type - director
Combo 2 shows a list of directors...
If combo 1 has user type - client
Combo 2 shows a list of clients(companys)
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