my cgsize value is 8192, if it means The number of cylinders per cylinder group as says in man page, it must be 20, because cpg is 20, and 8192 is not between 16 and 256, this is my double!
I couldn't understand the meaning of cgsize as the output of command fstyp, in the man page says that it means the size of cylinder group, but it not hit!
I have the next output of fstyp:
bash-2.05# fstyp -v /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0|more
magic 11954 format dynamic time Thu Jan 6...
Hi all:
I have some dubles about maxusers and ncsize values.
First question:
in the manual of solaris 9, it says that the default value for maxuser is the lesser of the amount of memory in Mbytes or 2048. The memory in my system is 512 Mbytes.
bash-2.05# prtconf |grep Memory
Memory size: 512...
There is an option in useradd and usermod -- "- o (This option allows the specified UID to be duplicated (non-unique)", my question is when I can use this option? or, I want to know in which situation this option will be useful?
Hi Franz:
Thks for your reply! I did a search in manpage:
pfexec, pfsh, pfcsh, pfksh - execute a command in a profile
/usr/bin/pfexec command
My duble is, the command pfexec is listed as one of command that you can use in RBAC env., so how can i use it in RBAC...
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