Looked at the sun site to see what cards are supported for intel edition. A number of Etherlink Xl cards are listed but not your number although it seems to be picking it up. However the Etherlink cards require aditional configuration which is outlined in the device reference page in intel...
I have just looked again at your posting and have seen that you are trying to plumb your loopback interface lo0 not your ethernet interface. It will be either hme0 or le0. Check again and follow through the steps you have already done. They should come up
Try bringing the cards down and up again. To bring down you have to unplumb them. #ifconfig hme0 unplumb
Are you going through a gateway? if so need to add the i/p address of the gateway to /etc/defaultrouter
Have a look at http://www.sunhelpdesk.com/pages/How_To_Documents/General_Networking/...
I haven't tried to network two intel machines running solaris but i have networked a sparc to a linux box so should be the same.
Firstly you need to make sure that you have the i/p address and hostname of each machine in the /etc/hosts machine of each machine.
to get the network card up and...
I have created a ufs filesystem on a veritas volume mananger volume and have shared it with another machine (say machine1)using nfs share. Now on machine1 i am using tar to create an archive of a very large 8G dir and am sending it to this shared directory. The problem is that after about 2G it...
When i su - from my user and entry passwd i get to # however if i change the .profile and reread it changes are not applied. However if i type exit to get back to my user i get to PS1 prompt ie ddeefrs1> which is still root and the changes to the .profile are now implemented. Its almost as if...
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