Hello Ken, what do you mean by create a parameter to link to the main report. There is already a parameter which is the part number. I am sorry can you be more detail please
I have a formula on a subreport. When I right click on it I don't get any summary options. I have seen some sample reports where they accomplish this task but I can't figure out how to do it.
this is my formula extcost =
{Part Stock.QTYOH_06}* FetchNumberVar ("price")
I have a form that data is diplayed on the following way
I would like to be able to select aples spanish and to show only this record on the next form and not the other 2. Is this possible in access.
thank you for any suggestions
Is it possible to run an access 2.0 query from an acces 97
using query def. Can someone please help me out. The tables that this query is using are in access 2.0
thank you
Hi Michael thank you for your reply I am not quite sure what do you meant "Line Input" a records worth of text and parse it for the commas or some signature(s) denoting either [Good | Bad] stuff. Is line input an access command
I have text file that imported into access using the
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "LABOR IMPORT SPECIFICATION", "LABOR", "O:\LABOR.TXT", 0
This textfile is created using a software called scan books, so all the forms are scanned and the information goes...
Thank you both of you for your reply. I don't have access 2000 unfortunately. Michael I am not sure how can I use the function above. I am not passing any parameters. My code is under the onclick event.
I have another variation of the code. This one seems to work for some of the records for...
I have imported a textfile
this is is sample of the TEXT FILE
MAY, 5 ,2001,Rocky, ,5555, T 89
I have a form with the following event to remove blanks but it is not working properly
when I view the table there is still space on space in between
for example T 89...
Sorry everyone I am posting this one againg, I don't think I explained too well the first time I posted it. I apologize.I need to be able to store the line number in the database everytime the user enters and order on a subform form. I need to store in a database because I will be using crystal...
Thank you for your reply. I think I did not explain myselft too well. I apologize.I need to be able to store the line number in the database everytime the user enters and order on a form. I need to store in a database because I will be using crystal to print the reports. Can somenone guide me as...
I have database that was created a while ago. Because of some new reports that need to be produced I need to add a line number to the database. I basically have two questions. I tried to add a field lineno to a table with index duplicates ok but I could not save the table it kept changing to...
I have search form. When the user cliks any of the record I would like to be able to go back to main form with the record they selected. I can't seem to be able to do it with the following code. My main form has two subforms. The main form is boud to 3 tables since there is two subforms.
I just...
Can anyone please help me create the code for an edit button on a form with 2 subforms or please suggest some samples that I can look at. When the form is loaded the record is locked.
thank you all you
I have a form with two subforms on it. Every time that I click on the id which is a list box I get the following error messge, the record can not be deleted or changed becasue table cco detail includes related recods. All I am doing is selecting a record from the list box . What can posssibly be...
Thanks again Gord. got it to work. one last question. I been asked to set user rights on this database because of the problems I had before records not matching on the parent table. Only one person will be doing the data entry. Everyone else will be allow to print. Can acces handle security on a...
Thank you Gord, this seem to solve the problem. What is the best way to avoid this situation where there are unmatched records. I am not sure if the tables were unlink at some point in time therefore I have many records in the child table with no parents. What would you suggest to avoid this...
Hello Gord, thank you for your response. I am not sure whether this should be a one to many relantionship of just one to 1. When I designed the tables I designed as 1 to many. Enforce referencial integrity, then I deleted the relantionship because I need to make changes to the tables and access...
How can I solve this problem. I have 2 tables linked by id.
Link is one to many relantionship. I created the form and the subform using the form wizard. The suborm is datasheet.
What is happenning righ now is that sometimes the record on on the main table won't have have any reocord to link for...
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