I have an access 97 application I need to deconstruct in order to rewrite as a .NET application. There are MANY queries in the database. Is there a way to print/export the code for all of the queries in the db with out "sql view - copy - paste"?
Thanks For Any And All Help
Thanks mansii and Sorwen. Yes mansii I have tried to perform the operation without the NextResult.
Sorwen I will try the datatable. If that does not work then I will use BCP inside the sql.
I am returning a recordset from SQL Stored Proc and writing them to a text file. All of the records are not getting written to the text file. Earlier I got 350 out of 386 and now I am getting 335 out of 386. It is almost as if the connection or session with the sql server is closing before I...
I have the following code:
<OBJECT ID="CRViewer" CLASSID="CLSID:C4847596-972C-11D0-9567-00A0C9273C2A" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=95% CODEBASE="http://ip address server 1/ActiveXViewer.cab#Version=8,0,0,371">
<PARAM NAME="EnableRefreshButton" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableGroupTree" VALUE=0>
I have inherited the following bit of code:
sBuf = "isql -U sa -P iamthedba -S ntserv-sql1 -d ryans -Q "exec asp_3ManWithOutPREditData '5/31/2006'" -o \\ntserv_pdc\common\sharedat\performancegriddocs\txtfiles\threemanagerbonus.txt"
Shell sBuf
When the app gets to this point it errors with...
Yes it consistently shows 5 distinct years but when the constant for number of years is changed to 6 it shows the 6th year plot points the same as the 5th year.
I have inherited a report that is based on field defs. I need to enter some sample data in the graph so that I may run the graph and format it. We would like that each line on the graph have it's own points. For example:
1st year point is a circle
2nd year point is a star
3rd year point is a...
I cannot create a new report to save with out getting the following error:
The handle is invalid.
Then nothing...I cannot save the new report. Any thoughts?
I was wondering if there was an operator for looking for a group of values in field data. For example in T_SQL I can use the in operator...i.e. select emp_name in ('doe','smith','jones')...Is there a way to do the same in Crystal's Record Selection Formula editor. I have tried the following...
I thought maybe I was being a little vague. here's the entire stored proc; please be warned I inherited this beast and I am tring to add to it:
CREATE PROCEDURE web_grph_AvgWkSls(@UntNum char(3),@EndYear char(4),@numYears char(2)) AS
declare @PrStart datetime
declare @PrEnd...
I have a while construct that looks something like this:
While @counter<= @maxcounter
do some stuff
This is adding one more record than the actual value of @maxcounter. At the end of processing I add 1 to the @counter variable. So for example if @maxcounteris = 7 the stored procedure...
I need to create 2 list boxes. The data displayed in one will depend upon the user's selection in the other. I also need to set these selections to display while the report table loads below it. I thought about creating arrays for each selection item in the first list and using the onchange()...
Yes, I also made sure of the versions on the iis server computer and my developer box. I have the latest ser pack for Vis Studio and mdac 2.7. i am stumped.
Thanks Ever So,
THB2 [bomb]
"Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it...
Automation error ClassFactory cannot supply requested class
I have a vbscript page calling an instance of a com object. i made some code changes to the com object and recompiled and now I am getting the error described above. Please bear in mind I inherited this code with no documentation...
I have a vbscript page calling an instance of a com object. i made some code changes to the com object and recompiled and now I am getting the error described above. Please bear in mind I inherited this code with no documentation. Here is the vbscript code that instatiates the com object...
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