I've been researching around and found out that the "pre-windows 2000" name is called the SAMACCOUNTNAME (but for some reason is typed as "sAMAccountName").
Several sites mention using a VB script or something similar to make modifications to the user account.
A tool mentioned a few times...
Hi all,
I searched around a bit and didn't find anything on my question. I have a bunch of users to rename (1500+) and want to change the "user login name" and the "pre-windows 2000" login names.
I've found that the -UPN switch for "DSMOD USER" will change the "user login name" but not the...
Have you taken a look at Symantec's migration page?
NAV 7.6 to SAV 9.0 is listed as a "supported migration path", and...
I don't know the percent load that real time virus scanning puts on a system persay, but RTVSCAN can eat up alot of CPU time if your file server gets alot of traffic. However, the more traffic a server gets, the more I want to protect the data from viruses and malicious software.
I did...
I think I found my answer. Thought I'd post it incase anyone else had the same problem.
I've been using the CEGETTER.BAT routine to FTP the daily def updates for quite awhile. It seems that 8.1 will not update the clients with the old CEGETTER. A newer version is available that will...
I've used groups for similar purposes. I have a group of clients that don't want to run the weekly scan.
After you move the clients into the groups have you tried the "reset all" button? You right click the group > all tasks > symantec antivirus > client real-time protection options > reset...
Hi all,
I get alot of answers foraging though these forums, but couldn't find anything directly relating to my current problem.
I have an old server SAV 8.0 CE server (hardware way old) managing about 2000 clients in groups. I wanted to move the clients to a new server running SAV 8.1 CE...
Hi all, Just an update on the non posting server. Seems the onboard Video died, causing the server to not want to finish the PCI detection phase of booting up.
I'd tried another video card, but the server would still not boot. When I'd tried re-seating all the cards/daughter boards earlier...
I have a Compaq Proliant 3000 running NT4 that's been running fine for quite awhile. Sometimes over the holiday break it seems to have rebooted or been rebooted (or one of the other sysadmins won't fess up to doing it!). The LED display hangs at "PCI Auto CFG." and goes no further...
If you installed the full package with the CE Server that manages your clients, you can distribute software from there to the NT/2k/XP computers. Open the Symantec system center, and unlock your server group. Then choose the tools from the task bar up top and open the "NT Client"...
I've searched about the archives and haven't seen this question so I thought I'd ask.
I have a job that when I try to add new servers to it, it "loops". The job will kick off fine, and backup the first server, but then it will start over instead of moving onto the next server...
Jrjuiliano is correct that Symantec only provides new updates once a week (I also believe that late Thursday night when new updates are available). However, Symantec does provide updates via thier FTP site almost daily. If you download the all inclusive update file (symcdefsx86.exe), and run...
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