I posted this following message several days ago at MSDN-VFP forum. Unfortunately I didn't get any responces.
This is my original message from MSDN forum.
I have an interesting puzzle.
I'm using Remote Views in VFP9 for the MS SQL Server database access. I'm trying not to store the...
I solved the problem by installing VFP 9 SP1 beta. It was maybe a VFP bug that came out in my environment. Microsoft did patch couple places with REQUERY (see the fix list http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/7/b/c7b400fa-ff4f-43d3-ada1-8d0ea0e6803e/VFP9SP1_FixList.htm).
Thanks once...
Everything that I was doing was from command window in VFP. Nobody else was using the same connection and I was not running any other operations along with REQUERY. I also unset ASYNCHRONOUS EXECUTION option in connection, but it did not help.
I found another recommendation for such ODBC...
Thank you, as always, for your help.
I checked an AERROR results and they were the following:
VFP Error number: 1526
Error Message: Connectivity error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error
ODBC Error Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error...
Our program updates a parameterized remote view against MS SQL Server. When we are trying to REQEURY this view after successful update with a new parameter VFP 9 doesn't update view and REQUERY returns -1. VFP 9 Help doesn't provide any information about return value of -1 for REQUERY.
Mike and Bill,
Thank you for help. What is the most important that I undestood from your postings that what I'm experiencing is my local problem and I need to deal with it looking at VFP9 installation, ODBC, etc.
Yesterday night I put VFP 9 on a fresh laptop with SQL 2005. I created my database...
It returns actually 0. It is still executing. In Tracer I don't see any errors. But why does it take time to execute this query in 9 and no-time in 8?
Could be version 9 installation? or something else that I missing?
Yes, I tested this query in QA and it run fine and produced the set of tables and tables’ properties.
The same result I have in VFP 8, but not in VFP 9.
I also should say that for the last year several times I was trying to use VFP 9 with VFP 7 -8 code and in all these cases I came across...
Database has tables and code runs fine in VFP8. This code is actually the part of the program for creating remote views from the backend database. Program reads tables from MS SQL database and creates DBC with remote views against SQL tables. I have now 133 tables in a database. In VFP9...
I'm trying to use VFP 9, but I have problems with the same code that runs fine in VFP8.
This is the code:
LOCAL lctmp AS STRING, lnConnHandle AS INTEGER, lctblname AS STRING
* Creating a connection string
I have a query tool that was written in FP/VFP. It works fine for the last 10 years in our application. Now we are moving from FoxPro backend to RDBMS, to SQL Server in particular. We are using RV and SPT and VFP DAL for the data connection. Unfortunately, ODBC can't convert such VFP keywords as...
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