I need to install Oracle 9i 64-bit on a SOLARIS 9 machine on which oracle 9i 32-bit is already running.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this and what problems can occur while installing.
Thanks in advance
I'm confused whether you want to start/stop database or start the OEM gui.
Anyways... to start the console on Solaris give command
For console
export DISPLAY=ip_of_your_X_server:0.0
oemapp console start
oemapp dbastudio start
This will give you the GUI session of OEM
And to start or...
Hi Alex,
I think the problem is with Java web start.
Actually I accidently uninstalled the java web start from the TEMP folder.
After that I again installed the java web start.
(Hope its not much confusing:))
I think in Oracle 8i when installer failed then a file 'JREW.RPT' is created.
I'm using oracle 9i on win2k platform.
I am trying to invoke Universal Installer from
Programs->Oracle Installation Product.
However, setup.exe and javaw.exe are started (I can see it from task manager), but the Universal Installer UI doesn't appear on my screen.
Does anybody know what is...
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