How do I write codes in the Java to trap abny activities happening in a web browser. Example of information to be extracted would be who is accessing what menu, what sort of data manupilation is this person doing eg: Updating, deleting etc.
Can anyone also give me any useful links that I could use?
Thanks alot svpshriyan (IS/IT--Manageme)
I think that is reason why some of our programs moved to production environment do not execute. May be we a moving the wrong executable file.(we move *.4go files)
Thanks for the help
What could be the reason why a program complied in Informix-4gl not pick up the changes when complied and run and when it is debugged then the changes are picked up and the program runs with the changes working.
What could be the cause of this problem ???
1. A problem was encountered by a user when trying to update a record and recieved a message like "Could not do a physical-order to fetch next row"
2. As they were trying to add record there was report running which was running to a long...
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