Hi, I would like to insert the content of an Excel file in a (asp) web page. meaning I would like to be able to show the table from the Excel file in the browser web. Is it possible?
here a part of the source code:
(how can I specify that I want my template instead of the excel sheet it creates?)
Sub makefile()
On Error Resume Next
Dim X As Object
Set X = CreateObject("excel.sheet")
X.Application.Visible = True...
Hi, I have a program in VBA that spreads data in a Excel file... this program create automaticly the Excel file. What I would like is that this program, instead of creating a new excel file, just uses an Excel template I have created.
do you know how to do that?
I try to duplicate a folder in VBA with this but it doesn't work!
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim fso
Dim fld
SourcePath = "C:\My Documents\My Webs\*"
TargetPath = "C:\My Documents\My Webs\images\"
Set fso =...
I have my database access in a folder("database"). In this folder with the database's file I have other folders(like analysis, document, etc...)
I would like to have the users of my database being able to upload a file on their computer in those Folders...
Explanation: you have a...
I would like to know how I can build a Browse button in an Access form!?
This button has to open a browser popup and when you select the file you want in the popup the file's path should be "printed" in a field in the Access form...
Do you know how I can do that?
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