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Search results for query: *

  1. areric

    Office Chart Web Component & Dynamic Data Source

    Hey All, I have no idea if this is the right forumn for this buy im trying to use the Office Chart Web Compnent to make a graph. The catch is when you define the component in frontpage it makes you tell it the table or query you want it to pull data from. I was wondering if its possible for me...
  2. areric

    Fornatted Date

    ok.... so how do i fix it. Ive been looking at all the documentation i can find on this Format function and it deffinatly returns a string even when i use to variables MyDate = Now() and TheDate = Format(MyDate, "mmyy") it still type mismatches. I need to be able to append whatever the...
  3. areric

    Fornatted Date

    im getting a type mismatch on this Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D) Type mismatch: 'Format' /pcorder/ShoppingCart/checkout.asp, line 99 DO i need to generate MyDate somehow maybe i tried Dim MyDate MyDate = date() MyDate=Format(MyDate, "mmyy") i also tried just...
  4. areric

    Fornatted Date

    Hey all, Im trying to get a date in the format "MMYY" I NEED leading 0's so for july of 2004 i need it to report 0704. Can i do this in ASP and if so how? thanks
  5. areric

    Scan File System without opening Files

    Hey all, Im trying to recursively scan a file system obtaining information like file name, file size, access dates, etc. Im using windows api to do this using the FindFirstFile and FindNextFile functions to scan through directories. These functions open a file handle which acts like an open...
  6. areric

    Owner of File

    Hey everyone, I posted a thread earlier called Opening Files, doesnt matter anymore cause i found the problem. But i have a new question for you all. Im trying to identify the Owner of a file based on NT Permissions. The code that i have (taken of MSDN) opens the file to do this. I was...
  7. areric

    Opening Files

    So i realized after i submitted this that its a terribly name for the post. Unbeliveable undescriptive. Sorry everyone. For those of you that are interested though my GetOwnerName function is off MSDN and looks like this: int getOwnerName(const char* filename, string &rAcctName){ DWORD...
  8. areric

    Opening Files

    Ive tried asking this stuff before but unfortunatly i havent quite found a solution yet so i figured id post a bit of an update. Im using MFC to scan a LARGE network storage device, talking 3TB highly nested. I recently changed my scanning algorithm to this. void scanPath(string path...
  9. areric

    Too Many Files Open using FindNextFile and FindFirstFile

    The directory tree is highly nested. It is the global team storage for a fairly large company so at points it could go 20-30 folders deep. At the root theres only about 40 folders but they represent the different units of the company and from there it divides into divisions, teams, etc. Here...
  10. areric

    Too Many Files Open using FindNextFile and FindFirstFile

    Hey all, Sorry for the low points on this, kinda used most of them up. Hopefully someone will still have the answer. Anyway im trying to run a recursive file scan of a file server. The Server has about 3TB of data so its pretty big. Anyway im using Windows API calls and using FindFirstFile...
  11. areric

    Top 20%

    Awesome, that worked perfectly thanks alot.
  12. areric

    Top 20%

    Hey everyone, Im trying to do some math in a query in order to limit my asp work. What im trying to come up with is the top 20% of file owners based on a table that contains individual records of every file on a server. THis table contains Owner (file owner), FileSize, and other records i...
  13. areric

    Triggers / Events

    Hey everyone, I was wondering is anyone knew how i can set up some sort of job or trigger based on an event that occurs in my db. Basically i have a db that takes periodic entrys. I want to make a script that will fire off an email to a list of people whenever an entry is made. I could write...
  14. areric

    C++ SQL connection

    hmm i cant edit my previous post apparently so just change one thing. In the connection function the line that reads sTempConn += "FileScanner"; should read sTempConn += "DATABASE_NAME";
  15. areric

    C++ SQL connection

    i took a very similar Faq and broke it down into functions. I dont have the select statement function done yet but the following two are a connection function and a function to support linear queries (update, insert, delete) void DbConnect(_ConnectionPtr& conn){ string sTempConn; string...
  16. areric

    Regular Expressions (Pattern Matching)

    thanks alot everyone, ill try out regex++ and see what its like. I ported that function above to string class strings and it works pretty well so thanks.
  17. areric

    Regular Expressions (Pattern Matching)

    Hey all, Im trying to do a C++ program that checks a string to match a pattern. Namely im looking for it to record the string if it matches AA###### where A is any alphabetic char (a-z, A-Z) and # os any number 0-9. I know i can do this in regular expressions as a web based front end im...
  18. areric

    Delete a File

    Hey everyone, I have a database which is storing some information about files. Amoung that information is the full path to the file in the format \\servername\directory If i have a file in that format that i want to delete how can i do this? Do i use some sort of system call or is there an...
  19. areric

    Listbox, ID's, and Selecting an Item

    Hey everyone, Im trying to make a listbox that will list an id, subject, and content for a group of items. Id prefer for content and ID to be hidden but accessable. I.E. I can use id for passing to other functions. That said i know this was easier in VB 6 but how do i make a listbox and then...
  20. areric

    Strip Whitespace

    thanks everyone

Part and Inventory Search
