sms28, if I understand the problm correctly, you want to populate the high school table with unique records that do not already exist and are in the high school students table. If that is the case try this:
insert into high school
select high_school_name
from high school
where not exists...
checkai, the first thing I noticed was your address and notes variable are 8000 characters each. SQL has a limit of 8060 bytes per row for a table. If the insert exceeds this limit it will fail. Since the error you are getting is not supplied I can not offer other suggestions.
timscronin, the key words "NOT IN" will not work when you are dealing with nulls.
The better method is:
select a.* from a
where not exist(select * from a join b on a.otheridnumber = b.inmateid )
Let me know your results.
If you just want a dump of a table to XML format then this might be of some help:
Select * from <tablename> for XML Auto
Give it a try, if it's not what you want repost.
If I were to list all of the issues that I found with SQL compare, then RedGate would be getting free debuging. I don't work for free! I have used both RedGate's SQL compare and Embarcadaro's Change Manager. Both of these tools fail as far as I am concerned. What tool do I use? After all the...
I have to disagree with the people who recomend SQL compare. I have used the tool and it misses a lot of changes, as well as indactes changes where none exist.
If you are looking for a quick and dirty solution then SQL compare might be the answer, if you want real control then don't waste your...
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