It doesn't detect that there is even a disk in the drive. I would try to play the tracks, but it is as if there is nothing in the drive. DVD's work great, but pop a CD in, and it's like the drive is empty.
I have a compaq laptop, and it has a toshiba DVD player. It plays DVD's fine, but when I play music it will not recognize the disks. I haven't been able to find anything on this, and would appreciate any help. Thank you.
Ok, my apologies for not being clearer.
I am running SQL Server 2000. Thank you for stating my problem better- it's whomever is logged into the current session that I need. 'suser_sname' doesn't work in VBA. I do use it quite a bit in SQL commands, and it works perfectly. Do I need to...
I really appreciate the help, but it doesn't do what I need. I should have been more clear in my previous post. The function you provided gives me my windows log-in.
What I need is the log-in name that I use to log into the database.
Thanks everybody. I guess I've been on the nervous side with all that I've been reading. I do plan on finishing my CS degree - I just was worried about getting burned when I graduated.
As a side note, being a newbie, I've grown fond of Tek-tips. I like being able to come here and have...
I'm going to start my Jr. year as a ComSci major, and I have one pretty good internship under my belt (well, after this next week). From what I read here, and other places, I'm worried about the job market when I graduate. My main training at school is in C++/Java, which from what I read is an...
I want to get the current users name, much like SUSER_SNAME() does in SQL (it doesn't work for what I am doing). I know about CurrentUser(), but that just returns "Admin", because I don't have a secured workgroup file. The backend and security is handled by SQL Server. Is this...
I'm thinking of living in the Bay area next summer, between my Jr and Sr year at school. I'm working on a BS in Comp Sci. I currently have a summer job with the local county government working on a database. Do you think I'll have any luck finding a summer internship/job out there for the summer?
I actually got it working. I save various examples of code I find/use, and one worked.
Private Sub Date_AfterUpdate()
Me.InputParameters = "#" & Format$(Me!Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
End Sub
Thank for your help.
SQL for my stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.frmFullTimePayrollSource(@varDate datetime)
AS SELECT [Department_Name] AS Expr1, Date AS Expr2, dbo.[Payroll_Info].*
FROM dbo.[Payroll_Info]
WHERE ([Department_Name] = SUSER_SNAME()) AND (Date = @varDate)
My form's Input...
I have a form that dislays payroll information, based on date. The form is based on a stored procedure that displays all records, sorted by date (which is a variable). In the Form Properties...Data...Input Parameters field I have this entered in:
@varDate datetime = Date()
This way only the...
Thank you! It works perfectly. To make a very long story short, this will help me solve something that has been driving my boss mad for a few weeks; the VBA code was the final piece of a very large puzzle.
I have a form with a sub form named "SubFormEmployees". The sub form pulls up data based upon the employee number selected from a combo box on the parent form. I need to move data back and forth between the parent and child form (the parents form is used to create payroll...
I am having the same problem, this line here causes me problems:
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
My error message is "'2001' You cancelled the previous operation"
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