The example is great but is the "If" statement correct. There is no "end if" ???
Also is Me.dirty suppose to = somthing before you make it equal to false.
EX: IF Me.Dirty= true then
End if
Also does Cansave dim as global?
We tried the wizard, which would work, except for that we got Runtime Error 2105. It didn't like the expression...
Me.bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
That solution won't work for us. It is required that we have a combobox so that the company that we are making the database for can choose from a list of about 160 different functional locations. It would not be possible to remember which record corresponded with which number on the navigation...
Is there any way to make access only save a record when someone clicks on the save command button. We're trying to eliminate the autosave/autoupdate feature so that records aren't altered accidentally.
We need to be able to select a record using a combobox and to make sure that the indexed record counter on the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen matches the selected record. Currently, the records become rearranged depending on what record the navigation bar is on.
What we have is two separate tables. On one table is a list of functional locations for motors in the mill that we're working at. On the other table is a history that is related to each functional location. The problem is that there are multiple histories for each functional location and when...
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